Ladies: Losing Weight = Losing Boobies :(



  • AnewNisha
    AnewNisha Posts: 42 Member
    If it becomes a big enough problem to affect your life due to self esteem issues....there is always plastic surgery.

    Just saying.

    loll I'm going to need to borrow some money !!! :)
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    The girls have gotten a bit smaller, but nothing too drastic.

    Honestly, I've been so overweight my entire life, that I welcome whatever changes my body throws at me by the time I decide I'm done. If that means smaller twins, then so be it. That's what La Senza Extreme Cleavage bras are for!
  • GBOGH_5
    GBOGH_5 Posts: 174 Member
    Just be thankful. Most of my friends are jealous that I can go for a run in just a cami with a built in shelf bra. They have to wear heavy-duty sports bras just to go out for a walk.

    Why does it matter? The only thing they are good for is attracting guys and I, for one, am not interested in a guy who is not interested in me because I have small boobs!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Just break up.

    ETA: (Oh, sorry...wrong thread. In fact, I have no idea why I'm even in this thread right now.)
  • goldfish29
    goldfish29 Posts: 44 Member
    I went from a 32DD to a 30E with only a 16lb weight loss. Thank goodness! You would think an E cup is bigger but it's not, it's actually smaller than a DD when the band size goes down. I'm SO happy they're smaller!
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    Because of the word "boobies"? LOL.

    I forgot to quote the fellow a couple poster up about why he was even in this thread!
  • AnewNisha
    AnewNisha Posts: 42 Member
    I'm a C cup right now, but when I weighed 140 lbs I was a full A cup. I have had 2 kids since then so hopefully I don't end up with tube socks as a few of you so eloquently put :)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Last time I lost weight I lost the girls too. I'm hoping the same will happen this time around too. They make running and bouncing complicated. And painful.
  • lundii
    lundii Posts: 151 Member
    After breastfeeding four children for at least one year each, mine are still OK.
    I had a C when I was at 216lbs... and now I am at 160lbs and have a nice B.
  • mrsna
    mrsna Posts: 195 Member
    LOL! The girls are always the first thing to go when I lose weight. Nothing you can do about it. Just work on the muscle tone and perk them up. :smile:
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    heh, mine were always well ... modest. at my biggest (somewhere between 71-74 kg) they were just full B. Now at 56 I look like a teen. My girls shrank to cup A. Nothing we can do about it. It reminds me off all this "God! Please! May all those calories go to the boobs!" ... heh ... I don't care about "the curves" as many people love to say here. I lost them, so what? I'll take small boobs and flat stomack over modest boobs and a gut ... at least on myself.
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    I cried over the loss of mine for a while... but the benefits of being slimmer won over the "benefits" of not fitting the cute blouses and tops I never fitted when they were larger... I've found that the actually stay the same if I stay above 160 lbs and start disappearing when I go lower. Now, whenever I start looking at them, I look at my stomach instead and see that I'm actually proportionally smaller there too. I couldn't wish for a bigger midsection to go along with the boobs :ohwell:
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I'm hoping not to lose anymore of my girls as they are now at the perfect size.
  • PhoebesFit
    LOL! The girls are always the first thing to go when I lose weight. Nothing you can do about it. Just work on the muscle tone and perk them up. :smile:

    Me to. Still it would be nice if something else would go. They were small enough as it was.
  • LilacSnow
    LilacSnow Posts: 238 Member
    If it becomes a big enough problem to affect your life due to self esteem issues....there is always plastic surgery.

    Just saying.

    ya it's probably not a popular suggestion and of course it's expensive as ****, but i'd consider it if my breasts get any saggier from weight loss.
  • jenniferillene
    jenniferillene Posts: 34 Member
    I wish there was a way not to lose some of them..I mean I had enough to give out..But Ive lost 81 pounds and Ive dropped a couple bra sizes :( Oh well I still have enough to put out there and if that means by losing weight and being healthy Im going to lose some of the twins..then I guess so be it! ;)
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    I'd be very happy to lose weight from my boobs. I'm currently a 14E, I'd be very happy to get back down to a 12D.
  • PhoebesFit
    I've went from an almost there C to a dang it whys B to big. lol Its all good though. I'm getting healthier.
  • annadolezalova
    annadolezalova Posts: 51 Member
    In my case: smaller boobs = better shape :bigsmile:
  • ParaSempreAmor11
    ParaSempreAmor11 Posts: 105 Member
    oh yes they are all gone i went from a full B cup which was nothing to even start with do an A -_-:explode: :mad: