Do cheat days help you lose weight?

I didn't plan on having cheat days, but a few weeks ago I cheated for 2 1/2 days and lost 2 lbs by the end of it! (Eating a whole cheesecake!) and the last 2 days have been bad, eating too much ice cream. I had only lost .6 or .8 lbs on my weigh in Monday but this morning I saw a 1 lb loss . I'm actually thinking of planning a weekly cheat day lol. What do you guys think??


  • Spudleywudley
    Do it. If you eat reasonably well the rest of the time, you should be fine.
    MJ :-)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    It can work but it still all comes down to having a net caloric deficit. If it helps you to stick to your calorie target during the week then a controlled cheat can be beneficial. I recommend still counting--maybe allowing for up to 1750 calories OVER MAINTENANCE, depending on your daily deficit, can be a good plan of attack. I say 1750 as a maximum because that's only 1/2 a pound gained (assuming perfect absorption which is up for dispute).
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    If you look at weight loss as calories-in/calories-out, then technically, a cheat day doesn't help. Depending on how much you eat normally, and how much you eat on a cheat day, it could really hurt.

    But if you don't go overboard, a 'cheat' day can really help to curve cravings. Just be careful that a cheat day doesn't turn into a cheat week, and eventually just falling off the wagon.
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    I don't know how much "cheat" my cheat days are, but I consider my cheat day as the one or two days a week that I'm so busy that I don't have time to cook, so I end up eating out. But even then, I try to watch what I order and make better choices about everything. Rarely does my cheat day end in me going over calories, because I exercise even on those days. However, it goes over on fat or sodium, which doesn't help either.

    But, restricting yourself and saying NO MORE FRIES or whatever your addiction foods are won't help you lose either. Moderation is key to success, or at least it has been for me. I'm not seeing a ton of weight dropped, but I've lost several inches and I look and feel so much better!

    Good luck!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I find that it helps me, even if only mentally. I have definitely had my biggest losses 1-3 days after a cheat day.
  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140
    yes. By adding in some extra calories, it speeds up your metabolism. Therefore, the next day you lose any weight gained plus some. But for it to work effectively, try doing two cheat days in a row. See, cutting calories, lowers your metabolism as your body tries to remain in a state of homeostasis. So when you add, say 1,000 extra calories two days in a row, your bodys homeostasis changes.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I never have cheat DAYS. I'm afraid I'd end up having a full blown binge. I do however have a treat once a week or so so I don't feel like I'm on 'diet'. Doing it once a week or so keeps me going the rest of the time because I can look forward to it, if that makes sense.
  • tracy1031
    I think so, but not directly. They help me stay mentally balanced :laugh: and after each cheat, I renew my commitment to eat right at least for the next week or so.
  • annasensei
    Cheat days can be important so that you don't end up resenting your new lifestyle. The moment it becomes "Oh, I could never eat that" is the moment you're no longer content with your new lifestyle.
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    I'm the same as VorJoshigan. Except for I haven't noticed a huge loss a few days after I've cheated. But it does help mentally to be able to relax and not feel restricted for a day; or even a meal. I don't typically have "cheat days" perse... I will usually try and be good all week long, and then on the weekends with the husband - eat more of what my body craves... Like nachos.

    MmmMMmMMmm.... nachos.
  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I've seen a lot of people do it. If it works for you, why not?

    I always gain water weight when I have a cheat day. The last one I had, I gained 5 lbs. It only took me a few days of drinking lots of water to flush it however the cheat day before that it took me over a week to lose the 3 lbs I gained. When I decide to have a cheat day, I go in with my eyes wide open knowing that I may have some extra work to do.

    Losing weight is all about what works for you....finding that sweet spot with eating and losing. Each person's body is going to react differently so experiment and see if it works for you....

    As long as your cheat meal (and rest days) aren't happening the whole entire month.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Yes, because they keep me from rage quitting my diet every time a holiday rolls around. Any improvement is better than none.
  • BurkYoung
    Its all about + and - so if it helps you work harder before and after then go for it :-)

    I try to reasonably allow myself whatever I crave... reasonably to me means 1/2 cup ice cream.... small piece of whatever...

    Another thing I do that helps the treat last is to make sure I remember to enjoy every bite and make sure whatever I put in my mouth is intentional and worth it...

    Even if it is the NE Crab Cake Sandwich I had for lunch !!!!!
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    I consider a cheat day necessary and beneficial to weight loss! I know I always ate a ton of horrible things before, and still enjoy them a lot. If I banned them entirely, I'd crave and crave. Now I remind myself to look forward instead to them, and to work hard to earn them. Therefore, on my cheat day/meal, I can indulge without the guilt. I just work hard and will myself to consider it a reward later. So long as I'm good the majority of the time, I'm content with that. :-)
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I don't get the concept of cheat days. I mean, why deprive yourself of stuff you love. Just eat less of it and adjust. I mean if I want Mad Mex then I know I can't eat a lot during the day so I meet my calories and work out later.

    Cheat days are for people who diet. People who view this as a lifestyle change learn to live with all of the temptations.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    With that logic, you should schedule 4-5 "cheat days" a week.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I don't plan cheat days. They happen spontaneously.

    I think the losses are the result of the work you did before the cheat days. There will also be times when your diet and exercise numbers look perfect, but you gain, which is the result of those cheat days. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Yes, because they keep me from rage quitting my diet every time a holiday rolls around. Any improvement is better than none.

    "Rage quitting" is now my new favourite term.
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    I guess I should have explained better. I don't deprive myself. I eat 1550 calories a day and eat back my exercise calories. I don't cut anything out, I fit it in my macros. What I was wondering was weather eating way above your usual calories for a day (or two!) works for you to lose weight . It seems to be working for me, maybe ill try it for the next few weeks to see.