No Fat Diet

Hi everyone.

I've had gallbladder issues for the last few years, but they've gotten a lot worse recently. It doesn't seem to matter when I eat it, or what kind of fats I eat (I'm vegan, so they're always the "good fats") I end up in a lot of pain for hours. It usually means I miss out on a night's sleep and I have to take very potent pain killers. So, I don't have much of a choice but to cut out fats all together (trying to stay below 5g a day).

Has anyone else had to deal with this? I'm going way over in my carbs, which seems unavoidable, but I'm wondering if anyone has ideas for no fat, vegan protein options or things to eat that will make me feel full for longer. I'm feeling really deprived, so even ideas for keeping meals interesting and satisfying my cravings for chips / french fries / avacado would be very much appreciated!

Thanks for reading :o)


  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    The only ings I can think of is hummus, you could make your own, although some commercial brands have no added oil, but they are harder to find.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I've had gallbladder issues for the last few years, but they've gotten a lot worse recently. It doesn't seem to matter when I eat it, or what kind of fats I eat (I'm vegan, so they're always the "good fats") I end up in a lot of pain for hours. It usually means I miss out on a night's sleep and I have to take very potent pain killers. So, I don't have much of a choice but to cut out fats all together (trying to stay below 5g a day).

    Has anyone else had to deal with this? I'm going way over in my carbs, which seems unavoidable, but I'm wondering if anyone has ideas for no fat, vegan protein options or things to eat that will make me feel full for longer. I'm feeling really deprived, so even ideas for keeping meals interesting and satisfying my cravings for chips / french fries / avacado would be very much appreciated!

    Thanks for reading :o)

    Yes. I suffered from severe gallbladder attacks. I stopped guessing about what foods I can and can't eat and had it removed. The best thing I ever did! Have you spoken to your Doctor about having it removed? It's a common surgery, safe and recovery time is quick!!!
  • Britbratkins3
    You might want to take a look at Freelee, Durian Rider, Meagan Elizabeth, Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, and Tiny Fruit Lover. They are all raw vegans on youtube. They have tons of videos about healing your body and cravings on the high-carb, low-fat raw vegan life-style.
  • vegan444
    Even without the oil, chick peas have fat in them, at least the canned ones do... I thought that might work too, but I guess that would be too easy / tasty.
    So far the only solution I've found are green peas / split peas.

    I'm hoping to get it removed as soon as possible, but my doctor wants me to see a liver specialist before I have surgery. I have high enzyme levels which could be caused by the gallstones or by something else, and they want to see if I should have a liver biopsy at the same time. The specialist only comes to my town once every few months, so this has been a long wait. I know I can't live like this forever, but for now I'm kind of stuck -_-
  • vegan444
    I might take a look at that. I don't do raw (I'm more of a vegan for ethical reasons than for health reasons), but they might have some ideas about protein. I'm always kind of sceptical about diets that are high in one area, but I suppose it's unavoidable.
    You might want to take a look at Freelee, Durian Rider, Meagan Elizabeth, Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, and Tiny Fruit Lover. They are all raw vegans on youtube. They have tons of videos about healing your body and cravings on the high-carb, low-fat raw vegan life-style.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I might take a look at that. I don't do raw (I'm more of a vegan for ethical reasons than for health reasons), but they might have some ideas about protein. I'm always kind of sceptical about diets that are high in one area, but I suppose it's unavoidable.
    You might want to take a look at Freelee, Durian Rider, Meagan Elizabeth, Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, and Tiny Fruit Lover. They are all raw vegans on youtube. They have tons of videos about healing your body and cravings on the high-carb, low-fat raw vegan life-style.
    See your doctor about your gall bladder issue... Get it taken care of and then be sensible in your fat/oil consumption...
  • vegan444
    See your doctor about your gall bladder issue... Get it taken care of and then be sensible in your fat/oil consumption...

    I have, but I wont realistically be able to have it removed for a few months.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    See your doctor about your gall bladder issue... Get it taken care of and then be sensible in your fat/oil consumption...

    I have, but I wont realistically be able to have it removed for a few months.

    While I was waiting for my surgery I ate a lot of jello and rice, cut out all dairy. It sucked but I only had to wait 4 weeks till the surgery. So worth it! I'm pain free now!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I might take a look at that. I don't do raw (I'm more of a vegan for ethical reasons than for health reasons), but they might have some ideas about protein. I'm always kind of sceptical about diets that are high in one area, but I suppose it's unavoidable.
    You might want to take a look at Freelee, Durian Rider, Meagan Elizabeth, Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, and Tiny Fruit Lover. They are all raw vegans on youtube. They have tons of videos about healing your body and cravings on the high-carb, low-fat raw vegan life-style.
    See your doctor about your gall bladder issue... Get it taken care of and then be sensible in your fat/oil consumption...

    ^^^^^ This is the best advice. See your Doctor!!
  • vegan444
    I saw a doctor at the ER today. I had an appointment to see my regular doctor that took 2 weeks to set up, but I missed it cause I was in the ER. Waited 6 hours to see a surgeon and he says he wants me to see a specialist too. Still no appointment for the specialist or the surgery. I only had 8g of fat yesterday, spread out through the day. Not really sure what to do.
  • AussieLaurelle
    AussieLaurelle Posts: 38 Member
    Having you tried cutting sugar out of your diet instead of fat or good fats?
    I’m not a health professional but I’ve been doing a lot of research lately about the “Fat Free” vs “Sugar free” theories and this is what i have concluded. Our bodies are designed to metabolise fat, carbs and protein. We have an internal calorie counter that tells us when we have had enough by the brain sending out a “I feel full” feeling. In looking for info on the different types of sugars, it appears that out of the 3 main sugars ( glucose, Galactose and Fructose) Fructose is the one that doesn’t register with this internal calorie counter and our bodies are not designed to metabolise it. As our bodies don’t detect it when we do eat it, we have to eat a whole stack of it just to feel full. Which a lot of us do ! Hence the reason why fruit juice is more fattening then full milk if you were to drink the amount to feel full for each of them. Sounds crazy right?! To add to this, unlike fat where our bodies can break this down and have a use for it , fructose turns straight into fatty acids ( which will affect your gall bladder) and this is what’s adding to our hips and worse gathering in blood stream and eventually clogging our arteries.

    Years ago the Diabetics foundations insisted on diabetics eating fructose. However, in the last few years they have recalled this advise becuase of the other affects it has on the body, being instantly turning in to fatty acids ( before even glucose as a chance to react in the body) and going into the blood stream as fat rather then sugar, hense the reason it doesnt spike blood sugar levels. Sneaky little buggers !!!

    As I said, I’m not a health expert but found this very interesting :P
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    You have to consume essential fats.
  • phatycake
    phatycake Posts: 216

    Yes. I suffered from severe gallbladder attacks. I stopped guessing about what foods I can and can't eat and had it removed. The best thing I ever did! Have you spoken to your Doctor about having it removed? It's a common surgery, safe and recovery time is quick!!!

    ^^^ THIS!! I had mine out and best thing EVER!
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    You might want to take a look at Freelee, Durian Rider, Meagan Elizabeth, Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, and Tiny Fruit Lover. They are all raw vegans on youtube. They have tons of videos about healing your body and cravings on the high-carb, low-fat raw vegan life-style.

    I just did a huge write up on Kristina Carillo-Bucaram for Motivate magazine. She's awesome. Not my diet (I'm high fat, low carb, actually!), but she's super helpful if you need help!
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Make it simple, have it removed.
  • Alohathin
    Alohathin Posts: 360 Member
    My liver enzymes were high due to gallstones also, but only when I had the attack that sent me to the ER. Prior to that, my enzymes were normal (or at least not notably high). The reason they were high when I went in was because a stone was blocking a bile duct.

    I had known that I had gallstones for several months, but what the surgeon found out when he removed the bladder was that it had likely been bad for several years. It had actually fused to my liver, and he said it was the worst looking gall bladder he had ever removed.

    I lost a lot of weight fast when I was avoiding fats, because I was eating very little food. So, I don't have much advice on diet, but thought I'd give you a bit of encouragement about your liver. The enzyme level certainly can be attributed to the gall stones. Let's hope so! Levels went back to normal after I had the bladder and stone removed.
  • Alohathin
    Alohathin Posts: 360 Member
    Having you tried cutting sugar out of your diet instead of fat or good fats?
    I’m not a health professional but I’ve been doing a lot of research lately about the “Fat Free” vs “Sugar free” theories and this is what i have concluded. Our bodies are designed to metabolise fat, carbs and protein. We have an internal calorie counter that tells us when we have had enough by the brain sending out a “I feel full” feeling. In looking for info on the different types of sugars, it appears that out of the 3 main sugars ( glucose, Galactose and Fructose) Fructose is the one that doesn’t register with this internal calorie counter and our bodies are not designed to metabolise it. As our bodies don’t detect it when we do eat it, we have to eat a whole stack of it just to feel full. Which a lot of us do ! Hence the reason why fruit juice is more fattening then full milk if you were to drink the amount to feel full for each of them. Sounds crazy right?! To add to this, unlike fat where our bodies can break this down and have a use for it , fructose turns straight into fatty acids ( which will affect your gall bladder) and this is what’s adding to our hips and worse gathering in blood stream and eventually clogging our arteries.

    Years ago the Diabetics foundations insisted on diabetics eating fructose. However, in the last few years they have recalled this advise becuase of the other affects it has on the body, being instantly turning in to fatty acids ( before even glucose as a chance to react in the body) and going into the blood stream as fat rather then sugar, hense the reason it doesnt spike blood sugar levels. Sneaky little buggers !!!

    As I said, I’m not a health expert but found this very interesting :P

    Fats are what set off gall stone attacks. Sometimes spicy food, as well. That is why she is going low fat.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Make it simple, have it removed.

    Let me still need to change your diet to lower fat/cholesterol meals...or you may need to invest in Charmin.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member

    This is actually a REALLY interesting article that talks about how a low fat diet leads to gall stones because you produce less bile to digest the fat from continuously eating a low fat diet. Again, I don't have gall stones, so I don't know much on the topic. Just an interesting read. Good luck, OP!
  • AussieLaurelle
    AussieLaurelle Posts: 38 Member
    Having you tried cutting sugar out of your diet instead of fat or good fats?
    I’m not a health professional but I’ve been doing a lot of research lately about the “Fat Free” vs “Sugar free” theories and this is what i have concluded. Our bodies are designed to metabolise fat, carbs and protein. We have an internal calorie counter that tells us when we have had enough by the brain sending out a “I feel full” feeling. In looking for info on the different types of sugars, it appears that out of the 3 main sugars ( glucose, Galactose and Fructose) Fructose is the one that doesn’t register with this internal calorie counter and our bodies are not designed to metabolise it. As our bodies don’t detect it when we do eat it, we have to eat a whole stack of it just to feel full. Which a lot of us do ! Hence the reason why fruit juice is more fattening then full milk if you were to drink the amount to feel full for each of them. Sounds crazy right?! To add to this, unlike fat where our bodies can break this down and have a use for it , fructose turns straight into fatty acids ( which will affect your gall bladder) and this is what’s adding to our hips and worse gathering in blood stream and eventually clogging our arteries.

    Years ago the Diabetics foundations insisted on diabetics eating fructose. However, in the last few years they have recalled this advise becuase of the other affects it has on the body, being instantly turning in to fatty acids ( before even glucose as a chance to react in the body) and going into the blood stream as fat rather then sugar, hense the reason it doesnt spike blood sugar levels. Sneaky little buggers !!!

    As I said, I’m not a health expert but found this very interesting :P

    Fats are what set off gall stone attacks. Sometimes spicy food, as well. That is why she is going low fat.

    Yeah absoutly, but Fructose turns straigt into fatty acids too, so wouldnt it make sense to cut that out then?