What motivates you to exercise



  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Many things!

    * The great feeling I get afterwards and during my sessions
    * Knowing that I am on my way towards my goals (body fat % & competing in a triathlon)
    * Feeling strong and confident
    * Knowing that I am moving to the coast to live and I would like to look awesome in a bikini
    * Loving that I fit into single digit clothes numbers
    * Seeing results (on the scale, but more importantly seeing definition - particularly around my stomach area which I have never seen before)
    * Knowing that I can eat a bit more food
    * Peoples compliments (You're not skinny - you're looking really fit!) --- which is what I want!!! (I want people to look at me and think "Geez, she's fit as f***!"
    * A wedding that I am apart of early next year.
    * Looking as good, if not better than some of my friends (negative friends)

    :heart: exercise!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    To prove to others at work that it is possibkle to cycle commute 45 miles a day. How I s******ed as the weight fell off
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    Yep, if I exercise, I can eat more.

    Pretty awesome deal.

    And it makes me feel good and makes me healthier, too.

    But really, I know I can eat more if I exercise. That gets me off the couch.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    To prove to others at work that it is possibkle to cycle commute 45 miles a day. How I s******ed as the weight fell off

  • escape4asecond
    Four main reasons: 1) because I work out with a friend and don't want her to think I'm a weakling. 2) because I ate too much and need to work off the calories. 3) because I'm frustrated/angry and need to calm down or clear my mind. 4) I want to get out of work at home...it's an escape from dishes for an hour or so...I dream that my husband and children will have it all done by the time I get back. And if they don't, I feel more able to take on the task when I get back because I feel better!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I like the high I get from exercise. It's like I took a little happy pill. Secondary reason - good for my health. Oh yeah, fitness looks good, too.
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    lately it's been this site... because of this site, it's calculating extra calories i get to eat if i exercise.. not that i use them all but i really like to have the wiggle room... and coffee... one cup gives me the energy to get out there and do it!

    This!!! Spot on!! I like seeing 3000+ calories added to my total every time I go for an *kitten*-aching 4 hour bike ride!
    Its taken so long to do the ride, I cant be bothered to eat 3 times a day .. lol

    1400 cals every morning for a 1.5hour bike ride means a cookie with my coffee and plenty of room left at the end of the day if I want a glass of wine.

    .... oh, and to show the b1tch what she missed out on! :devil:
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    I love doing it, after 13 years of letting myself go the fact that I am finally taking control of my health and fitness has become something that I am proud of and really enjoy... That is all the motivation I need!
  • rwhawkes
    rwhawkes Posts: 117 Member
    1) It feels great when I am done. It's nature's antidepressant.
    2) I am getting stronger and healthier, so I'm feeling better in general. Basically raising the bar.
    3) I want to lose a pile of weight, and this is a necessary ingredient in to make that happen.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Because right now, I can. And there will come a day when I can't. So while I can, I will.

    OMG, that's beautiful! This should be my life's mission statement. Thanks for putting it into words for me! :heart:
  • eliaundria
    eliaundria Posts: 2 Member
    This is a great reason to exercise! However, I still have absolutely no motinvation. I am going to try really hard to motivate myself to get up and get active. I have my Wii Fit that I love playing on. I have Billy Blanks and Sean T. to motivate me. I will keep you all posted on my success.
  • gazelleintraining
    Because I want to be better than I am now.

    ^ This ^ and I love how I feel during and afterward. I went from sedentary to working out for 60-90 minutes daily over the past 45 days, and I never want to go back the other direction. I had no idea that I actually prefer exercise to the high I used to get from daily overeating of sugar-fat-salt-type junk food. Exercise releases stress, sharpens my thinking, dials down my emotional responses, and makes my skin and eyes look great. I never want to be without it, and look forward to graduating off my moderate and advanced fitness videos and venturing out into new forms of exercise outside and maybe even at a gym or dance or yoga studio.
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    What motivates me ultimately is the fact that it is the main ingredient in my weight loss. Physically activity is the only thing that differentiates who I was years ago with plenty of it (122lbs) and lately since I migrated with lack of it (starting at 193 lbs). Lately, that awesome feeling I get after exercise, with the adrenaline pumping, sweat on my body, is what motivates me :) Do something you love, and it won't feel like a chore :)
  • misslindseylou
    misslindseylou Posts: 141 Member
    To quote Elle Woods, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't.

    But seriously, exercise makes me feel happy and helps combat depression, so...I gotta do it! Plus, I see better results on the scale when I do it.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    What motivates me to exercise? Being awesome! JK but I really do feel way more awesome after a great run or killer workout!
  • chsmith79
    chsmith79 Posts: 240 Member
    My love handles and I feel like crap when I don't.
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    I do my workouts at their regular times because that's just what I do at those times! But I think part of what makes me stick to it is my determination to see this through. I'm GOING to finish C25K, and hopefully in only one week more than the plan says! I'm GOING to be fitter. I'm GOING to show Mr Beethoven that I'm serious about this; losing weight and gaining fitness isn't just a temporary fad but is truly a lifestyle change.

    And when I'm flagging part way through a workout, I think of how far I've come, and how far I still have to go. Six weeks ago, running for 60 seconds was a HUUUUGE effort; last Sunday I ran for 20 minutes. I want to be able to run 5k in 30 minutes. My legs are showing more muscle definition than I've seen in 11 years(!), and I feel good about myself - but I'll be happier when there's a bit less flab still, and I'm comfortable in the size clothing that I used to be before children.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    moobs. (man boobs) They look better on women as boobs instead of on a man.

    oh and diabetes, health issues that I had in the past. I don't have it anymore but I can get it again if I slack off and go back to my old ways....but mostly moobs. >.>
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    to get better and faster and stronger. and some of those girls butts at the gym are just ridiculous
  • DexterDarko
    A feeling washes over me and it makes me want to exercise. I do it for my future and because I want it.