Self-motivation is difficult

I'll be honest, this post is purely for my own selfish gain.

I have had a very hard time self-motivating in my weight loss journey. Go to the gym? Maybe tomorrow. Have that second helping? Sure, I was good yesterday. Go out for dinner... why not?

However, I am here to say that, in spite of all that, I AM SUCCEEDING.

I wasn't at my absolute heaviest when I joined MFP. I don't even know what my absolute heaviest was. Suffice it to say, however, that after losing a bunch of weight on a previous weight loss try, I still started out on MFP at 405. I always hated goals, scales, numbers, tracking... it bored the hell out of me, to be frank. But I've grown accustomed to it... because MFP is always on me now (the iPhone app has been a godsend), and it is keeping me accountable.

I have a long way to go. I am getting married one year and one day from today... in 366 days, I will be enjoying my wedding reception, hopefully many pounds to the good. If I can get to my goal, I'll see a weight I haven't seen since high school. In that vein, tonight I legitimately JOGGED for the first time since high school.

I don't care that I'm not buff. I don't care that I haven't already met my goal. All I care about is progression and accountability.

I am here to be motivated.

I can tell you that I need my butt kicked occasionally. Everyone does. But the past week has started to kick me into high gear.

So I wanted to share.

Ladies and gentlemen... I thank you.


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    As long as you're heading in the right direction is what really matters. It's not a race so just try to change things gradually and you'll get there. Change is hard for some and I'm one of them. I need one of my MFP friends to litteraly drag me into a gym so I can start toning or it may never happen!
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Exactly! All this is a pain in the A! But the result that we see somehow keeps us on track. I hate the gym, but my motivation to move is my dog that I have to walk and winter with those sports I love!

    Otherwise.. it this would be soooo boring!