Wanting to incorporate HIIT

switch313 Posts: 16 Member
edited January 2 in Fitness and Exercise
So I wanted to spice up my cardio a bit and add in HIIT. I think I have a solid base. For the last 3 weeks or so I've been running ~3.1 miles 3 days a week. I KNOW I can run longer (i.e. farther), especially the first run after my one rest day during the week (I lift 3 times a week as well) but stick to 3.1 miles for now.

What kind of routines are good? What type of ratio should i be looking at - as in sprint vs recovery. for every minute of flat out running is it good to have 2 minutes recovery? 3? how long should the overall workout be? and how many times a week should you start off with? I'm currently 5'9" and about 197 lbs last weigh in so I have about 27 lbs left for my goal (which is 12% bf which according to a calculator would put me at about 165-170 lbs if I retain my current lean mass). Any tips or advice?


  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    On bodybuilding.com I found some great HIIT articles. I do one minute sprints followed by 2 minutes rest.
  • switch313
    switch313 Posts: 16 Member
    thanks, I'll check it out
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    One of the things we do in the Army is 60:120s.

    This is 60 seconds of all out sprinting followed by 120 seconds of walking. I have my guys do this for Wednesday morning Physical training and have seen significant improvement in run times.

    Usually do 15-20 reps.
  • switch313
    switch313 Posts: 16 Member
    So I tried 1:2 ratio because it fits neatly in my 36 minute run time. Boy it was a lot rougher than I thought. Did 10 mph the first four sprints but had to do 8 mph the remaining 8. It was tough for sure. Time went by a heck of a lot quicker.
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