I met someone special...



  • notmac
    notmac Posts: 89
    I think you get the answer from all of us. Take care of yourself first. Get to where you want to be, be healthy, be strong, run up the steps, and .............B.E.A.T diabetes. You are worth it, if he is he will cheer you on.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    The truth is that unforeseen circumstances could change your body 2, 3, 4 or more times during the course of a lifetime. I wouldn't want to be with anyone who felt they needed a say in how I kept my body, provided I was healthy. If he's asking you to stay unhealthy I'd say it's a "no go" for me.
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    Hopefully, he's just trying to say he cares about you and isn't concerned with your size, and you are beautiful the way you are.

    If he's saying he doesn't want you to lose weight, like don't do it, he won't like it, that sounds like one big giant scary red flag slapping you in the face.

    You are pre-diabetic. You need to take care of yourself and do what is right for you to be healthy. If he cares about you, he gets that and will support you.

    If he knows you are pre-diabetic and is telling you he doesn't want you to lose weight, he's not someone special, he's a controlling, manipulative piece of work that should be kicked top the curb. Now. Not later.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    But he likes me just as I am. He is hoping I won't lose anymore weight. I have lost almost 25 lbs. I am no where near my goal, but I do feel good and healthy. The main reason I was losing was to be more healthy and not hurt when I walk.
    Do I just (for a while at least) go to a maintenance diet and see how things go, or do I forgo his desires and keep dropping because that was my original plan?
    Any thoughts will be appreciated!

    Happy for you that you found someone, but beware it could be his insecurities trying to hold you back. You know you have to get healthy, then that is what should be your #1 priority, maybe you'll inspire him to get in shape for you :)
  • Lacebopp
    Lacebopp Posts: 92 Member
    Thank you all! No, he doesn't know my health issues (yet) just that I have had success so far in my loss efforts.
    You have all told me what deep inside I really already knew, so thank you for the re-enforcement!
    *hugs* to you all! :)
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    But he likes me just as I am. He is hoping I won't lose anymore weight. I have lost almost 25 lbs. I am no where near my goal, but I do feel good and healthy. The main reason I was losing was to be more healthy and not hurt when I walk.
    Do I just (for a while at least) go to a maintenance diet and see how things go, or do I forgo his desires and keep dropping because that was my original plan?
    Any thoughts will be appreciated!

    uh uh aaaah girlfriend. why u changing yo self fo some raggidy *kitten* man? girl you know better than that. its your body girl, please yourself not some pekkerwood.

  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    NO. It's good he likes you for you. But this isn't all about appearance. It's about health. You're on the right track. Don't let this get you off track.
  • eliaundria
    eliaundria Posts: 2 Member
    Keep going with your original plan. You are doing this for you!
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    Stick to your plan. It was there before him.

    ^^^ Wise Words Have Been Spoken.
  • PhoebesFit
    so I assume he likes you for your body and not for your personality?
    IMO you should continue losing weight, and if he still is interested in you then its wonderful but if he loses interest hes an a$%hole...

    I couldn't have said it better:smile:
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    But he likes me just as I am. He is hoping I won't lose anymore weight. I have lost almost 25 lbs. I am no where near my goal, but I do feel good and healthy. The main reason I was losing was to be more healthy and not hurt when I walk.
    Do I just (for a while at least) go to a maintenance diet and see how things go, or do I forgo his desires and keep dropping because that was my original plan?
    Any thoughts will be appreciated!

    you started this Journey without him.. so he needs to appreciate that your doing amazing and want to keep going.. for health and for a lot of reasons!.. some guys are into 'thicker' girls.. or its an insecurity thing too for some men.. they think if there girl is a lil thicker or not 'way hot' then they wont hafta be jealous/worried... (some not saying yours).. just be careful too cuz a lot of times.. (esp for women) when we meet a special someone we GAIN wt.. and your eally dont wann go backwards as hard as you have worked thus far!!!!!!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Do not give up on your goals for a man, no matter how "special" he is. If he really loves you, he'll support you and encourage you to reach those goals.
  • dollaqie
    dollaqie Posts: 74 Member
    This is for yourself, that is why you started with this journey in the 1st place, keep going!!!!!!!!!!
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Imagine that you met this wonderful guy who loved you BUT he thought you would look better if you lost 20 pounds? How would that make you feel? It's really not any different. He is telling you what you should do with your body.

    It's sweet that he loves you for who you are inside and out, but that should apply whether you gain 40 or lose 40. Sounds like you are trying to be healthier, not apply for Americas Next Top Model. If he really loves you, he will want you to be healthier.

  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    I would keep going but talk to him about how you felt before you started this, and that you want to be healthy. If he's that special someone, he will support you with whatever you do.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Okay, this was before him so just maintain your accomplishment. If you lost control and left, you would go over in your calories and you wouldn't concentrate on burning anything so it is really up to you and how you feel about yourself, not him you.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    My goals are my own and I don't shape my body to meet other's desires. If it were me, I'd continue until I met the goal I set for myself.
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    My boyfriend likes me as I am too, and a good 7kg ago he said I didn't need to lose anymore, when I plateaued recently he even said not to lose anymore - that he loved my curves and softness (haha! squidgy, jiggly bits!). BUT when I do lose he notices and he definitely appreciates it. I think by telling me I didn't need to lose anymore he was really just his way of further proving that he likes me as I am and further loss won't change that - it didn't really mean that he wouldn't be happy if I did lose more weight.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I agree with everyone. This is about you and if he loves you he will understand.
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    Do what YOU wanna do, you come first in your life. Don't change your plans/goals/etc for anyone else.