Clown Walking


Just want to share something with you......

I love weight training, quite enjoy the challenge of dieting, but I hate cardio with a vengence!

Well, that's not strictly true. I like cardio if there's a football (or any sort of ball) to chase after. Yes, like most men I am little different from a golden retriever when there is a ball to chase!

However, jogging with no purpose to me is the hardest possible way to do cardio. All I can hear is a voice which says "give up, man". That's why I am now clown walking for 45 mins a day.

Clown walking is a type of dance with hip-hop origins, so if you like hip-hop then this is for you. It's AMAZING how quick the minuits go when you have your favourite album on. Here's a link to a YT tutorial

You're burning about 500 cals per hour with this also.

Anyway, just wanted to share this with you - feels like I have found my secret cardio weapon!
