milestone rewards?

When you hit a weight loss milestone, did you reward yourself? If so, with what?


  • ForTheSmile
    ForTheSmile Posts: 89 Member
    I reward myself every 10 pounds! All of my rewards are things that I want, anything but food. And I set them up so they get better the closer I get to my goal weight. :)
  • TimeWarp9
    Most definitely! The rewards varied and weren't necessarily expensive, but just a treat to myself as I went along. Some ideas: a small piece of jewelry; buying a piece of clothing that would have looked hideous when I was heavier but looks awesome now; a new CD (DVD, video game), just a present to yourself...
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Money to buy clothes when I hit goal, I put £2 for every pound I lose in a tin (the kind that has to be opened with a tin opener so that money can't be borrowed for food shopping etc!), for a half stone 'milestone I add £5 bonus and for a full stone a £10 bonus.
  • Lizsullie
    Lizsullie Posts: 70 Member
    Yup, just went over the 10lb mark today and I plan on going out this weekend to buy myself a yoga mat and new yoga pants!! :) Every 10lb I'll get a new present for myself, ending with an expensive new ring that I've been saving for at 40lb.
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    no not reward is my hard work and dedication.....
  • wade78
    wade78 Posts: 141 Member
    Every half stone (7lbs) I buy myself something. Shoes, bags, accescories etc
  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    I'm not a dog. I don't need treats when I do something good. I just get on with it and keep going. The reward is the physical change.