I need supportive motivators

Hi everyone, my name is Elizabeth.

I am a new mom and I need some supportive motivators that will keep me going. I am struggling with my weight loss and I need help.
If you want to help me I will help you :)


  • dillydally123
    dillydally123 Posts: 139 Member
    add me please. i'm new too, the more eyes i have on me the less likely i am to flake off back to the sofa... if anyone else would like to add me please do. thanks.
  • mswanson1215
    I will be there to help motivate you I need motivation as well, congrats on the new baby! Im a nanny!

  • mswanson1215
    I hear you all I want to do is sleep instead of deal with the issues at hand! I have no motivation at home so I need a pal on here to keep me going too. I am on and off here all day so I can chat!

  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Me too- I agree. I need some motivation and encourage, as well as someone who's going to challenge me when I'm slacking!!
  • HPChelsey
    You can all feel free to add me. I'm just getting seriously started with my weight loss, so I need some supporters as well. :)
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me. Congrats on the baby! I have a three year old and definitley miss the baby stage right about now. But under all those temper tantrums/attitude is my lil 7lb 14oz angel though. LOL I hope you great success on your weight loss and please don't see it as a struggle but more of a test of will. Have a great day!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    You can add me : )
  • melo1326
    melo1326 Posts: 1 Member
    I need major motivation as well. I am 37 seing 40 arriving soon I am scared that I wont ever be able to get in shape.
  • iluvmycats
    iluvmycats Posts: 29 Member
    awe congratulations!
    Feel free to add me if you need an extra pal!
    Happy friday!!
  • janeelizabethhoff
    You can add me, I'm nw here too.!