Food at Work!

Started a new job and the food at this one is out of control. Candy everywhere, bagels in the morning, wraps in the afternoon. It's non-stop! I know the candy will end after Halloween, but I don't know if my will is strong enough for all of this! I mean I'm hungry most of the time as is.


  • Chatterbox57
    Take your own nibbles into the office with you. I think after a few days if you are strong enough to say no they will sto asking you. Or just be honest with the and put a note on your desk saying 'I'm on a diet please do not disturb'. If you are honest with them and show them you are focused they should respect this.

    But again if the are eating something make sure you have something to eat at the same time, grapes, nuts, cereal bars (although can be full of sugar or honey)

    Good luck and be honest.
  • Reedikulus
    I know, it is crazy walking near our lunchroom at work. I refuse to go in there, because the foods alone make my mouth water! LOL I take protein shakes with me to work, for breakfast and lunch. I avoid that lunchroom like it has the plague. Good luck!
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    I agree. I have an entire drawer full of snacks at my desk: almonds, peanut butter, oatmeal, Kashi bars... People sometimes tease me about it (mainly my boss) but if you're serious about going down this road, you'll have to get used to unwelcome comments.

    Best of luck!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Willpower! I know how tough it is! I've been at my current company for 13.5 years, and the week after I started was a week-long party... Bagels and muffins in the morning, cookies in the afternoon. Every. Day. I gained 5 pounds right off the bat, and that's what got me to where I was earlier this year!

    Eat a healthy breakfast. Pack your lunch bag with your allotment of calories. You can have some of the treats and snacks, but take tiny portions, and track everything! Work out a little extra--even if it means taking a walk at lunch or a couple of trips up and down the stairs. Drink lots of water/green tea to keep your stomach full. Chew gum if you need to keep your mouth busy.

    You can do this!