Need Help Reducing My Sugar Intake

I am a 23 year old pretty active male, who has lost 60 pounds from when I was 17, all from eating the right diet along with exercise (with the help of My Fitness Pal). I was much more active when I was in high school/college than I am now, being that I am now working an office job. I still try to walk throughout the building as often as I can, as well as park a little further away than normal, so I can get a little extra walking in.

I had ups and downs where I would stop using this site, but now that I am behind a computer for most of the day I realize that it is best to keep track of what I am eating. With that being said, I never realized that, SUGAR is EVERYWHERE. Maybe I have a little sugar tooth, but whatever I plug in to eat, I always see my sugar increase!

Clearly, the yogurts and cereal are going to have sugar, but I guess what I am looking for is some alternatives to these foods to reduce my sugar intake. I usually pass my limit by lunch time!

Anyone else have this problem? Or can help me get around it



  • koko12
    koko12 Posts: 81 Member
    get plain yogurt. flavored yogurt has around 26g suger (more or less) and plain has around 9g. add a stevia or splenda to it to make it sweet. try to eat more veggies instead of fruits or whatever you eat with lots of sugar and instead of cereal eat oatmeal. :)
    thats my advice!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Hey there,

    I wish I had your insight when I was 23, I am 41 and I reckon my sugar/carb tpoth has held me back healthwise.

    To avoid the effects of added sugar you really have to give away the processed stuff. Stick to what I call 'real foods' ... Eggs, meat, cheese, veggies ... Stuff without a label or the need to advertise it's 'health benefits' in other words.

    Naturally people will say 'everything in moderation' and 'as long as it fits your macros' and 'a calorie is a calorie' but I reckon you've got the right idea in trying to limit the sugar on general health grounds.

    60lb is an awesome loss in itself btw, good luck :)
  • revpeg
    revpeg Posts: 18 Member
    I cut my carbs WAY back since I had moved from pre-diabetes into the diabetes range.... so I started eating way fewer carbs/sugars than MFP recommended, and my dietician also suggested increasing them a bit. The most painless changes were snacking on lo-fat cheese and if I wanted a sandwich, having it as an open-face sandwich. I just left starches out of most dinners and ate protein and vegies -- LOTS of vegies although even vegies have carbs. I am now enjoying eating a few more carbs since my blood sugar has come down to normal with a 30 pound weight loss. I still control them pretty tightly, but maybe in the future I can return to sandwiches with two pieces of bread and an occasional whole baked potato. Congratulations on your slow and sensible weight loss. That's a real accomplishment!