weight loss and hair loss

Hi, Ive read on line that some people suffer with hair loss whilst dieting, has this happened to anyone here ?

Ive noticed every time I wash or brush my hair that Im getting more than usual loss, but it could be down to the change of seasons.




  • swagner73
    swagner73 Posts: 43 Member
    My hair loss in increasing as well but my thyroid medications have just been increased so I'm attributing mine to the thyroid meds.
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    I have had hair loss, but I was contributing it to stress, and I also had thyroid problems which are resolved......
  • mallorycutting
    If you haven`t changed anything except how much you are eating in a day it might be due to diet. Hair loss is associated with not enough nutrients and too low calorie consumption.

    How much are you eating in a day? You may not be eating enough.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    If you haven`t changed anything except how much you are eating in a day it might be due to diet. Hair loss is associated with not enough nutrients and too low calorie consumption.

    How much are you eating in a day? You may not be eating enough.

    This. If you lose hair because of you diet, you really have to re evaluate what you are doing to yourself.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough. Chronic undereating can lead to hair loss and malnutrition. Don't be afraid to eat a little more, and also make sure you're getting enough nutrition.
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I posted a simular question a few weeks ago. I have lost 53lbs and a somewhat short amount of time, however I am very strict with my 1200 cal diet and I exercise regulary. My hair dresser said it never fails when a client looses a bunch of weight they also start loosing hair. She believes it is a hormone thing that comes with a changing body / diet. She didn't feel it was anything to be concerned with most people go through a "sheading" period every once in a while anyway. I will warn you that a lot of people on here are going to tell you to have your thyroid checked and if you have other symptoms that I would agree. I didn't have any other issues, I'm still loosing hair but not as much, I'm starting a vitiman suppliment to help counter some of the nutrients I may be missing due to my new eating habits. Good luck and I hope my experience can help.
  • hollowheart95
    Generally if you lose hair due to weight loss, you're doing something wrong. It means you're not getting adequate nutrition and are harming your body, but I would double check with your doctor. Check over your intake / net.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Look hard at your protein levels (probably too low ) and water consumption, 8 cups per day is really a minimum,
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hi, Ive read on line that some people suffer with hair loss whilst dieting, has this happened to anyone here ?

    Ive noticed every time I wash or brush my hair that Im getting more than usual loss, but it could be down to the change of seasons.



    My first advice would be to see a doctor rather than speculate on the cause. I do know however that too severe calorie deficit and lack of nutrients can cause hair loss.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I posted a simular question a few weeks ago. I have lost 53lbs and a somewhat short amount of time, however I am very strict with my 1200 cal diet and I exercise regulary. My hair dresser said it never fails when a client looses a bunch of weight they also start loosing hair. She believes it is a hormone thing that comes with a changing body / diet. She didn't feel it was anything to be concerned with most people go through a "sheading" period every once in a while anyway. I will warn you that a lot of people on here are going to tell you to have your thyroid checked and if you have other symptoms that I would agree. I didn't have any other issues, I'm still loosing hair but not as much, I'm starting a vitiman suppliment to help counter some of the nutrients I may be missing due to my new eating habits. Good luck and I hope my experience can help.

    I'd rather go with a Doctor's opinion rather than a hair dresser. 1200 is below most peoples BMR, so lack of sufficient nutrition could be the culprit. But once again....a Doctor's opinion is the best.
  • MelodyinGa
    MelodyinGa Posts: 202 Member
    I've had weight loss surgery so I'm losing a lot of hair!
  • kandi_apples
    kandi_apples Posts: 35 Member
    While I have been losing weight for the last couple of years my hair started falling out. I was told it was lack of fats in my diet. The loss has slowed down but still hasn't completely stopped. My hair is much much thinner.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Oh yeah when I first started clumps were coming out of my head! But then I was just severely restricting calories to get into a healthier weight range, and still eating a lot of unhealthy things (lots of carbs, whatever I wanted as long as it fit into my calorie goal). Now that my diet is back to normal and I'm getting all the nutrients I need my hair is getting better again, and my nails are stronger.
  • danafoxx
    i lost hair, but only when i was severely restricting and getting hardly any nutrients out of what i ate.
    it's definitely not normal or "healthy".
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I shed a lot of hair every day. My thyroid is fine, it's been check recently. I take all the reccomend vitamin supplements my doctor has suggested. I'm not severly restricting my calories. My hair is very healthy.
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    I did have hair loss and the nutrition at work told me I needed more protein. I was not getting enough good fats in my foods. this was prior to doing myfitnesspal. Since doing this I have had no issues
  • pigeonhugger
    pigeonhugger Posts: 81 Member
    in the past i went to a doctors over this issue and other than almost laughing at me, she very rudely said that hair loss goes in cycles so it shoudl be fine in a month or two and go back to shedding a ''normal'' amount. But obviously could be a sign of something serious so- doctor
  • Clcleeds2012
    I went on a really restrictive diet about five/six months ago and my hair started falling out very badly. I went to the doctor and they did blood tests for thyroid, vitamin deficiency etc... They wanted to know if I was under any stress, or if any major thing had happened in my life. They found nothing wrong with me. The doctor said that the diet along with the exercise I was doing must have been a huge shock to my system and had disrupted the cycle of my hair.

    My doc told me it was called "telogen effluvium" and you can find out more about it on google. I immediately stopped dieting and exercising and began eating as well as I possibly could. I put back on all the weight I lost plus half a stone to try and convince my body to regrow the hair! My hair has only recently stopped falling out and begun to regrow. I am now cautiously exercising and dieting. I don't know why this happens to some people and not others. See your doctor if it gets bad because hair loss can have a number of causes.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    If you are eating a good healthy balance and are losing hair, then I would contact your doctor?

    If you are under eating, then you can all sort of problems skin/hair/nails but these problems would take time to show even over a few months.

    For instance dry skin/hair breakage/brittle nails.

    If you are actually losing hair then it is a sign that you need to visit your doctor x
  • Fantasy2
    I have gone thru the same thing and added Biotin (5,000 mcg) per day. It has taken about 6 months but my hair is getting fuller. I must add that I had recently gotten divorced and relocated so the stress of the entire process didn't help.