Weak Shoulders

penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
edited January 2 in Fitness and Exercise
Guys. I have a problem.

I joined a fitness class a month or so ago. Yay! But there is one point in the class where she has us doing this move where we hold our arms up like this: -0- (the 0 representing my body and the - my arms, clearly). We stand there, arms out, and kind of... flap. Anyway. This move HURTS LIKE CRAZY. Right in my shoulder.

She insists it's supposed to help the bicep or something or other but it only hurts in my shoulders.

Last week I hurt my back and with the addition of the hurt back I couldn't do the move at all. The pain was unbearable.


1. Am I just doing it wrong? Is this supposed to hurt that much? If you've done the move before have any tips on how to do it properly?

2. What moves can I do to make my shoulders stronger so this move doesn't hurt so dang much?

I do push ups and above the head raises but this move, for some bizarre reason, is causing a great deal of pain. I don't like pain. How do I stop the pain???


  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    Been there. A shoulder injury can sometimes only restrict certain movements and that lift was the worst one for me too. I found strengthening the muscles (even though it hurt) to be very helpful. You know your body, if it's beyond muscle soreness then ease into it. Start without weights of course, and try just lifting your arms from flat on your sides to as far up as they go comfortably. Doing it a few times a day will help maintain your range of motion while you heal.

    That's just from experience though. My best advice would be to talk with the instructor before class and see if they have a modified version that will benefit you without as much pain.
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