To Fat to RIDE? Enough is Enough!

Hey everyone. I don't have any questions just more a little story for you. Last night I went to Knott's Scary Farm with my fiancé, futture sis in law and her boyfriend. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's an amusement park here in Southern Cali that turns into a haunt during october in the evenings with mazes and some attractions open. So we happened to get there right when it opened so we flew through the 13 mazes in just a couple of hours with the rest of the night to spare. So we decided to get on the rides. Mind you, last time we went to Six Flags i was so nervous that I would not fit on ANY rides being that I was 252 5"1 1/2 size 20jeans (in the mirror i'm a cute 130 and this time i thought i weighed 233 HA!) I was up for DAYS looking for weight limits and forums that had any info for me on which rides I'm might want to "play sick" and get out of and spare the embarrassment of being kicked off the ride. So I ended up gettting on everything but 2 which i'm sure I would have fit. So back to last night, I went on Montezuma's, Boomerang, Supreme Scream without any problems. Then came accelerator. I didn't even second guess it. So when it was our turn, went on the chair, sat down, there is a seat belt that goes across then a lap bar. The seal belt, didn't close -__- OMG i was panicking trying to get it to close. An attendant saw my struggle and came to help (in my mind she was coming to kick me off) When she got to me, i told her, "i'm to fat to ride" which she responded "no your not, i just need a little leverage. (tugged at the seatbelt and VOILA, closed.. just barely) See?" I turned to my skinny fiancé embarrassed and just told him i was pulling it through the wrong slot. Haha yeah right! Ride was amazing but the guilt and shame was still there. What if i would have been kicked out? Laughed at! I'm so tired of feeling like this. I'm exhausted with the thoughts that haunt my mind. So far on this program i've lost 12lbs. What if i hadn't lost those 12 lbs before going to Knotts? I sure as hell wouldn't have fit! I'm happy to have started this and try to take control of my life. I wasn't always like this. I was fit and into the gym and healthy. Where did it go wrong? Perhaps addiction to food?? Addiction does run in my family. I stayed away from the drugs but not the food. Therapy would be nice right about now. Anyways, in conclusion to my story. I refuse to ever feel like this again and make a change. And, next time I decided to go to a theme park, I will not fear those damn rides. I am taking FULL CONTROL of MY LIFE!


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Good for you!

    I get free tickets to a local amusement park every year from my employer. I have never gone because I'm sure that I wouldn't fit in the rides. Honestly, I can't wait for the next chance to go, because I know I will fit now :)

    Weight loss won't always be easy, but being fat isn't easy either.

    Good luck!
  • LilacSnow
    LilacSnow Posts: 238 Member
    that would have been really embarrassing had you not be able to fit on the rides, and i've been in that situation myself (not where i don't fit, but avoid rides in case i don't).

    it's good you've taken steps to get healthy!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Yay for you! This is one of the things I am most excited about.. being able to go and do things like that without the fear of not fitting!!!! My kids have wanted to go to a water park for the last couple of years, and I avoided it because I knew I could not ride the rides.. But finally a few weeks ago, I told them the truth, that I had been too fat to go. I promised them that next summer we would go. I am small enough to fit into everything now, and will be even smaller by then!
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    Glad it worked out! You sound very committed to your weight loss journey, congratulations!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Good for you! Last time I flew it was so uncomfortable, can't wait for the next time I have to fly since it will be a different story :)
  • joanlaxton
    joanlaxton Posts: 22 Member
    great NSV!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    good for you for doing something about it and a wonderful NSV moment! :)
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Yay for you! This is one of the things I am most excited about.. being able to go and do things like that without the fear of not fitting!!!! My kids have wanted to go to a water park for the last couple of years, and I avoided it because I knew I could not ride the rides.. But finally a few weeks ago, I told them the truth, that I had been too fat to go. I promised them that next summer we would go. I am small enough to fit into everything now, and will be even smaller by then!
    I have also wanted to go to a waterpark. What has held me back isn't the rides really, but the fact that I would be shirtless. Next summer I will be able to do it :) I would go right now if it wasn't so cold haha. Because, my body is far from perfect, but I worked so damn hard on it that I should be able to be proud of it :))
  • Mom2QJandT
    Mom2QJandT Posts: 23 Member
    That is what got me started on this (my lightbulb moment so to say). I was getting on a ride at a theme park with my 14 year old and I barely fit. The girl had to push HARD on the enclosure to get it to lock, a few times, while everyone waited. I looked at my son and said "I'm almost too fat" and he said "then it's probably time to do something about it, don't you think?" Afterwards he said that he didn't think I was any bigger than the year before (where I had no such issues) and I told him that I was up about 20 pounds from last year. I said something to him to the effect that I was going to be embarrasing to him if I got any bigger and he answered that he didn't think that was possible, but something told me he was just being nice.

    We recently went to Harry Potter at Universal (16 pounds lighter than the fateful King's Island trip) and I fit in everything, but every single ride was fear inducing, not because of the ride, but because I was terrified I wouldn't fit.

    King's Island (the theme park where I almost didn't fit) is a Mother's Day tradition for us, so I am looking forward to fear-free fun next year.
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    When I was at my heaviest, I went to Valleyfair (MN amusement park) with my brother who is probably 140 pounds sopping wet. I knew I'd be ok on most of the rides because I'd been on them before, but there was a new one and the seats looked really narrow. At the start of the line, there was a few of the seats mounted to a pole so overweight riders could check before having to wait in line. (embarrassing in itself!) I suggested we get in the seats and have someone take a picture of us. You know... for a laugh. Yeah right, it was really so I could make sure I fit without him knowing that was what I was doing!
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    When I was 14/15 once I was at a fair with my mom and her bf, and he and I were going on a ride. I was 275lbs then in a size 26 and not only did we have trouble squeezing in there (he was skinny) but the attendants came over and helped but did it while grinning and looked over when they finally closed the cage and were laughing/chuckling. I felt terrible.

    I read on here a lot that you should apparently never tell someone they are fat and tell them/encourage them to diet because everyone has to want to start their own journey.

    To me that's utter bull****. I knew I was fat but I also really didn't know. If my mom or someone else would have told me how I really looked I would have started years ago instead of living in misery and confusion until I finally gained enough knowledge about food and proper dieting to start on my own. I'm 25 years old and I wasted the past ten years being awkward, anxious, confused, and depressed without anyone telling me why or helping me.

    The only ones who really told me I was fat were the kids on the playground during elementary/middle school. I wish an adult would have been responsible/able to/wanted to help me when I couldn't help myself.
  • LitaRose77
    LitaRose77 Posts: 124 Member
    I have been in this position before, where I was told by the attendant, after much fruitless struggling that the lap bar on the roller coaster I wanted to ride simply would not lock. I looked at my friends, completely embarrassed & started to walk away. It took one snot nosed kid to yell out, "Fatty don't fit!" for both my friends to unlock their bars, stand up & walk out behind me. I felt bad for them, the last thing I had wanted was for them to miss out, but they did it for me. I was miserable the rest of the day, watching them ride while I held onto everything & take to pictures.

    To this day, I have not gone back to an amusement park. I am waiting until I know there is no doubt that I will be able to get that restraint to lock comfortably. I will do it. I miss riding the roller coasters! ;-)
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    OMG...the first time I got kicked off a ride was at the Mall of America. Completely embarrasing. But this last weekend we did something similar and I went on to rides with great hesitation but rode all the rides I wanted to! I was SOOOOO happy and my brother's kept saying "see we told you that you'd fit". lol.

    I am so happy for you! I definitely know the feeling!
  • vee1733
    vee1733 Posts: 13
    Thank you guys for sharing your stories. It was very painful and traumatic moment. Right now my fiance walked in and I told him that i had posted about last night and how embarrassed i would have been. And he said, "Oh when you fell".. Which i slipped and fell too LOL .. I said no when I almost didn't fit (addressing the white elephant in the room) and he said "Oh yeah i was having trouble too." Ok yeah right boyfriend you are 5'11 158lbs. Nice of him though. I told him I wanted to read to him what I had posted but then I couldn't bring myself to do it. I would have to admit that it wasn't the motion sickness I was feeling at Six flags that kept me from riding those 2 rides but being scared of not fitting or how it really had been that the seatbelt almost didn't fit on the ride last night and not that i was doing it wrong so i needed assistance. Also that i had google "Weight limits for rides at Six flags" for night and couldn't sleep. This man is my best friend and yet I feel like I cant tell him the truth about this. Should I just sucked it up and tell him??? Maybe he can help stay on track. I'm just so embarrassed even though this man sees me naked. He knows whats under the clothes. Ahhhhh. Plumpy Girl PROBLEMS!
  • vee1733
    vee1733 Posts: 13
    By the way, this man has NO IDEA how much I weigh!! Eekkk now that I would NEVER tell him. Maybe when I lose all the weight! .. 12lbs ago I weighed almost 100 lbs more then him!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    I understand your fear-I used to lay in bed at night worring if I died of a heart attack during the night-no one would be able to lift me out of my "death-bed" (Gilbert Grape) I would lay there and worry myself sick. Just take it one day-one meal-one choice at a time-it is an achievable goal for all of us-good luck and remember "slow and steady wins the race" :smile:
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Again I understand-I just told my husband of 26 years what my weight was when I started this path 2+ years ago-he was very cool and didn't say much but I am pretty sure he was a little shocked at how high it was. :laugh:
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    i have been kicked off rides 2 times in my life. honestly, I was rather unphased. i always give it a try. i love rides. now i can fit in it all anyway, BUT NOTHING STOPS ME FROM A GOOD TIME.

  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    One time my husband and I went to Busch Gardens. For two years he had already been forcing me into rides because of size. This one particular time, he pushed, and I sucked in, and it wouldn't snap. The attendant came over and asked what was going on. I started crying and said I wouldn't fit. The lady said, "release row 4. She's not feeling well."

    She was a large woman herself. She understood. I was mortified! I insisted my husband still ride, and he finally did. That was at 269 pounds. I haven't had that problem since :)