how to stop bingeing at night?! So mad at myself...



  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    Hey buddy,

    I had the same problem. I knew something wasn't right. Mindless eating to that extent is just weird. Anyone I was diagnosed with a Binge Eating Disorder. I saw an Eating Disorder therapist, she helped out immensely. And I have had 6 AMAZING weeks of no bingeing, eating healthy and regularly and going to the gym too. I have had a few bad days in the past two weeks. But everyone has there bad days. Just go to your local GP and maybe they can help out.

    Christina :)
  • allknowingtomato
    allknowingtomato Posts: 42 Member
    Breadoholic, thank you for the advice. I agree that your course of action would likely be immensely helpful. Unfortunately, I do not have health inusrance and cannot afford such treatment at this time.

    I have, to some extent, alleviated this issue by distracting myself in the evenings. I also find that, the less carbs i take in during the day, the easier it is not to go crazy at night. The second i eat something like bread or pasta, i tend to run amok.

    I will keep trying to have better foods around, sleep, hydrate, and distract. every night i don't binge, i will put the "savings" (cost of food i might have eaten) into a jar. this might help me not binge, or at least start saving up for that ED doctor...
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    I went and looked at your diary, and there are only a few times you went over your goal (by 100 was the most). There are many days you don't log. I am wondering if you became more consistent and logged more carefully then you might have better success. If you have a bad day, still log it. You need to see the mistakes you are making before you can fix it.

    Get rid of the chips from the house, it seems like that is your standard goto snack. Actually, it seems like you are craving salt at night. Try adding high quality sea salt to your dinner vegetables more. Also try keeping some dill pickles in the fridge and munch on one of those to help with the salty cravings. Also try making some Pepperoni chips in the microwave and have a few of those. (Search for the recipe on-line and many will pop up). These are higher in salt and most of the fat is rendered out when they are microwaved! But they are a way to get some protein and satisfy the salt cravings.