Way Under On Cals but Over On Carbs?

OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, yesterday and today, despite watching what I am eating and going to the gym.. I seem to have a calorie deficit but be quite a bit over on carbs.
Today I haven't eaten that much and didn't bother to look at my carb intake.
But I now under on calories by about 500.... and OVER on carbs.:angry:
So what should I do? Leave it? Or should I eat my 500 cals despite the fact that this would put me HUGELY over on carbs?


  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hey! Just looked at your diary, good eating...you don´t appear to be over your carbs? xx
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Tuna w/ lowfat mayo and a hard boiled egg! Good fats and protein with minimal carbs! Don't worry about going over a little more in carbs as long as you are eating good foods and giving your body the building blocks it needs to rebuild muscle after your exercise and help it metabolized your body fat!

    If you can stomach them, sardines in olive oil! (I have to be in the right mood for that).

    Pumpkin mixed with a little cottage cheese, splenda, cinnamon has some carbs but lots of fiber and calcium and other good stuff too!

    Plain ol' hard boiled eggs are good for low carb snacks!
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    Are you on a low or reduced carb diet??

    I am always (okay usually) over on carbs because I like pretzels and popcorn and fruit!! And I lost alll of my first goal weight and now I'm back for another round and I am losing weight now too! It just depends on how your body reacts. I don't wake up with carb face (puffy face from carb induced water retention) unless I have a late night bingeee.. but I don't binge anymore, so..

    Do you feel okay eating what you are eating? Are you eating fruits and whole grains and things that are GOOD for you? If so, I would see what the scale says when you weigh in then re-assess.. Weight loss is all about learning about YOUR body. What works for someone else may not work for you. :)

    In the end, low carb, low gi, high protein.. all of these "diets" are just a way to manipulate our bodies! Truthfully, if your calories in are more than your calories out you will gain. That's how I got to 270 pounds. But if you flip that equation around.. eat less, move more (which was my mantra) then the weight will come off. :]

    GOOD LUCK!! Send me a message any time, I am always willing to help people out on their journeys!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I would recommend you eat those 500 calories, but try to eat foods high in protein and/or good fat and low in carbs. Examples would be nuts, cottage cheese (and most other dairy), lean meats, egg. Some foods like beans are high in protein but not to the same extent that the previously listed foods are.

    Many people have said that they find it harder to lose weight when they eat too many carbs. I've been using the food balance of 55% carbs (which is the MFP default), 20% fat and 25% protein and have been pretty successful so far. I try really hard not to go over on the carbs. It's an effort to eat enough protein, but the more I work at it, the easier it gets.

    Good luck!
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    Well I have been losing weight on what I have been eating... and gym as well. I am going on MFP's instructions with regards to fats carbs proteins and everything.
    The other day I was very much over on carbs but not on cals... and today I thought I was over on carbs again, hence this post, but it was my Iphone playing tricks on me *shakes fist* grrr.
    How much do you usually go over on carbs a day?
    I suppose it does depends on the person and who quickly your metabolism is working as well. Thanks for the advice however, I never thought eating fruit could actually be 'bad' (carb terms)!

    Thanks for the advice :happy:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    In my opinion, the most important thing is net calories. I might go way over on one nutrient one day and be way under on another day. I work at balancing my day by eating more protein at dinner if I had a sandwich for lunch, for example. Or if I eat a salad with broiled chicken for lunch, I can eat pasta for dinner. But if I eat a cereal for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and pasta for dinner, I'm definately going to be wayyyy over. I do react to excess carbs, so I've lowered my daily max to 40% and although I sometimes go over, it gives me a reasonable goal to reach for.

    Bottom line, as long as you meet your calorie goal, the over/under of the various macros aren't terribly important (although I'm not an expert).

    Edit: I consider fruit to be GOOD carbs, although still sugar (which I track). I try to stay far away from any processed (bad) carbs, however.
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