short and petite girls!

What is your calorie goal? I am 112 lbs and my weight goal is 105 lbs. I'm 4'11". I've upped my calories to 1300, because staying on a 1200 calorie diet, I've been starving everyday. I work out for 1 1/2-2 hours a day, vigorously. What are your opinions? Any advice for me? What are you guys doing to continue to lose?

Thanks for the help!


  • Emmamh3
    I'm 5'2 and my goal is 1300 because1200 calories didn't work for me. I didn't really lose a lot of weight last month so I added a lot more protein to my diet. That combined with my cheerleading practises (a lot of lifting) has made me lose a few pounds these last few weeks. What you are doing sounds good, I would take a day every week to rest my body. Dropping the pounds for me has been a struggle because I want results quick, but I'm just going to keep going because result will come :)
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 123! My goal is 110 & I started at 127. I set my limit to 1400 but I usually eat anywhere between 1000 and 1500. I don't work out nearly as much as you do though, I only do 30 to 40 minutes of cardio 4x a week. I just started doing strength training last week & my weight has gone up and stayed stagnant since :| I've only lost 4 pounds total since I started four weeks ago, and that's excruciatingly slow compared to how fast I used to lose (crash dieting). But I guess if I want it to stay off for good this time, I have to be patient.
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
    4ft 11here ????