Been here 2 weeks and love it

Hi there, My name is Tracy B and I'm from Mid Central Indiana. I started dieting almost 10 years ago and have failed so many times It's hard to count. So I thought I'd make myself do it for real this year and found and love it. I'm down almost 6 pounds in 10 days..jeans are already fitting better and it's nice to see the success happen when you stick to your food plan that the site makes for you. Weekends tend to be harder for me because I don't carry my phone with me as much as I do during the week. If it weren't for the Iphone app I'm not sure I'd be as sucessful in keeping track of everything. They sure make it easy for you. Well, here's to a successful year!
Tracy B


  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    Yay!!! Good luck!

    I really wish I had AT&T still so that I could get an iPhone!! I hear such great reviews about the MFP app! However, as I am with Verizon I tend to carry a post-it around in my purse to record what I eat to log that night. Works okay, but I definitely know what you mean about weekends being hard! When I've made it to Sunday night with no slip-ups its such a great feeling!

  • tbroens
    I totally know that feeling...when I can make it to Sunday without any slip ups...I'm having a scoop of icecream to celebrate!! LOL!
    you need to get the IPHONE...the app is amazing and it is soooo helpful. If you were anywhere close to the end of your contract I'd say look at one seriously! You'll love it..
    Have a good one and good luck!!! Stay on Track!