Look at my Diary? I want healthy alternatives. Please :]

Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
So I already have bothered you guys a lot for help with Protein (which by the way has topped the hundreds two days in a row so thank you! :]) and calorie count, but now I want help with processed foods. I am prepared to have everyone gasp, shake their head, and even shed a few tears when they read my food diary. While I make no promises of completely shutting out pre-made food because, well, I like cheese, I need the protein and can not make them myself, I want to shut out a lot of it. I asked if my bread was okay on my profile. I chose one with no high fructose corn syrup or added color. I chose a fruit spread by smuckers with just strawberries, water, & sugar in the ingredients and PB2, which I was told here is good, which says it just has peanuts, water, & salt. Is this better than the previous squeezy jellies, regular bread, & peanut butter I used to buy, I mean is it an OK start? I also chose a fat free cheese to up my protein. I know cheese is processed, but like I said I love it and I don't know how to make it. I rarely eat snacks and when I ate the potato chips I only ate .3 of a small bag because they were bought for me by someone else. I took my sandwich that usually consisted of cheese and mayo (like 5tbs of mayo lol) and swapped that for a boiled egg with tomato lettuce and a laughing cow wedge. I just want to know if this is an okay improvement and what else I can do slowly/next? What alternatives are there to what I eat now that I may not know exist? :]

P.S. I was told about beans today (dry ones?) and I just started watching my protein and macros yesterday. Well, I watched them previously, but in the manner one would watch television. lol


  • Quannicab
    Everyday is new chance for you to improve by learning from your actions the day before.

    I would recommend Healthy Life Bread 100% Whole Wheat Bread. It only has 35 calories per slice.

    If possible, cut out chips all together. Calories wasted on chips could be used on more vegetables & fruit. Do you take vitamins or drink protein shakes? If not I would strongly recommend doing so.

    You have to find what works for you. I feel as though I am improving daily even if I go over my calorie count, I just workout harder later that day to burn more calories.

    Portion Control is the key & exercise is the key.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Everyday is new chance for you to improve by learning from your actions the day before.

    I would recommend Healthy Life Bread 100% Whole Wheat Bread. It only has 35 calories per slice.

    If possible, cut out chips all together. Calories wasted on chips could be used on more vegetables & fruit. Do you take vitamins or drink protein shakes? If not I would strongly recommend doing so.

    You have to find what works for you. I feel as though I am improving daily even if I go over my calorie count, I just workout harder later that day to burn more calories.

    Portion Control is the key & exercise is the key.
    I used to use healthy life actually! LOL I traded it for this new one because it had more protein, but it is still 100% whole grain :]
    45 calories, but worth it because I need the protein. Thank you though that bread is yummy Lol.

    We don't really have a blender..lol I bought a bunch of protein powder and I realized I don't know how to use one. I think we have an old blender maybe on top of our fridge getting dusty, but Im not sure what setting to use so Ill look that up. I went to make one the other day but my husband moved my protein powder. It is a soy based one from whole foods. I tried to just put it in soy milk and drink it and I gagged cuz it was nasty. It is less that I won't eat more calories to add veggies and fruit because I often dont even count my veggies and now that I lowered my calories I dont get hungry so I have to force myself to reach my limit usually. I just can't afford a lot of vegetable. We don't have a car and when we go to the nearby store (1mile) it is $4 for tomatoes, $1.50 for one avocado, $4 or $5 for mushrooms (like 2 or 3 caps) and the one cheap thing is bananas, which were $1.51 for a bunch the other day lol I can surely cut out chips though :] I basically have except I eat natural tortilla chips instead of tortillas sometimes because I won't touch plain beans most times. They make me want to well you know lol I'm not a fan unless they're with something, chips or in goolash, which I love. My mom bought the potato chips for me so I spread them out over a few days and gave some to our baby instead. That was huge for me because I can eat a family sized bag in one sitting or two and that is because I am addicted to them for the most part. Thank you for the advice and I will look up some ideas for protein shakes, but I'm not sure yet how to make one.
  • B_Mindful
    B_Mindful Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you for the advice and I will look up some ideas for protein shakes, but I'm not sure yet how to make one.

    Easy. A scoop or two of that protein powder, half a banana (freeze it first to make the shake extra frosty) and about a cup or so of a liquid -- could be water, or milk or juice. Throw it in the blender (have you found it yet?) and turn it on high until everything is smooth. If you don't have a banana, try some other frozen fruit. If you don't have that, just the powder and liquid. If you can't find the blender, you can get a manual 'shaker' (usually at the grocery store where they have utensils and stuff).

    Here's a really fun smoothie flowchart. It might give you some ideas: http://www.eatingrules.com/2010/08/the-smoothie-flowchart/

    I thought your diary looked pretty good. I'd lose the potato chips and sub in some veggies, maybe. Does your grocery store have them frozen? Might be cheaper.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    I'm slightly surprised that as a vegetarian your not eating more fresh fruit and veg.
    Not being a veggie myself, I don't feel well placed to advise... perhaps more wholegrain rice and pasta with fresh veg and cut down on the bread and cheese..?
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Thank you for the advice and I will look up some ideas for protein shakes, but I'm not sure yet how to make one.

    Easy. A scoop or two of that protein powder, half a banana (freeze it first to make the shake extra frosty) and about a cup or so of a liquid -- could be water, or milk or juice. Throw it in the blender (have you found it yet?) and turn it on high until everything is smooth. If you don't have a banana, try some other frozen fruit. If you don't have that, just the powder and liquid. If you can't find the blender, you can get a manual 'shaker' (usually at the grocery store where they have utensils and stuff).

    Here's a really fun smoothie flowchart. It might give you some ideas: http://www.eatingrules.com/2010/08/the-smoothie-flowchart/

    I thought your diary looked pretty good. I'd lose the potato chips and sub in some veggies, maybe. Does your grocery store have them frozen? Might be cheaper.
    I found it ! It was where I thought on the fridge and my husband is home in 2 hrs so I could have him help find the protein powder he hid from me somehow. lol. The blender could use a nice cleaning so I'd need a bit to do that. I could try frozen, but I think they're the same (like $3.50-$5 per bag). I buy my broccoli frozen and I can get that cheap maybe $2.50 or $3 and if I get a ride and go to Aldi I have more vegetables lol. I don't think I've ever seen a manual shaker, but it won't work for a banana will it? I love green bananas and I can get those pretty low priced. I need to pick up some more Soy milk as I don't like real milk. Thank you for the link! I look online for recipes, but a lot of time they don't look too appetizing and what not. That is really fun and adorable to work with too (flowchart) I love it!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I'm slightly surprised that as a vegetarian your not eating more fresh fruit and veg.
    Not being a veggie myself, I don't feel well placed to advise... perhaps more wholegrain rice and pasta with fresh veg and cut down on the bread and cheese..?
    I'm a vegetarian for animal rights/humane reasons, not as much health reasons. I love my health and all that of course, but that was not my reason. You can advice either way! Ideas are ideas no matter where they stem from and I like brown rice, but I don't know what to do with it. I have some brown rice actually and I can buy whole grain rice if that is not what it is (I'm not sure). Someone was talking about all this weird rice dish stuff and I didn't understand half of the words. I have no idea how to make a curry, for example. I just asked the other day about fresh mushrooms as I can't stand them uncooked and I'm not sure if I've ever had them cooked or not. I don't normally eat this much bread and actually was eating no bread, but I upped my intake so I would get more protein. I also LOVE cheese, so I can lower it, but not get rid of it. Lol. I would literally be depressed without cheese. I love it. lol. The issue is that I can't eat a lot of eggs either because of the cholesterol and egg whites in a carton are $6 or more per and we make not even $800 per month for four people. I know people are going to say "If you don't know how to make it, look it up" and I have slowly, but I don't come from a family of home made food, just about ever. When we do make home made food it is fattening, like yummy potato salad (my fav), stuffing, mashed potatoes with eggs and a whole stick of butter, etc. I think the only semi healthy thing we make is Goulash and even that has canned beans instead of fresh ones because it needs the juice. The other issue is my husband because he doesn't eat a lot of vegetables and we like the opposite fruits because he eats melon and I don't, but I eat berries and he won't. My husband is a vegetarian too, but he doesn't eat many vegetables. The most I get him to eat is corn, which he loves, mashed potatoes if I push it and very little, and of course I can force feed him most green veggies sometimes and he willingly takes it, but I can tell it is "forced" because it makes him miserable. lol. The stuff he will eat and like is cucumber, tomato, and lettuce if it has dressing (cucumber without it) and carrots if ranch dressing is there as dip. I will eat the carrots if there is cheddar cheese involved (cubes/sticks) on the side, but only with the whole fat ranch, so there goes that idea. I can eat cucumber, tomato, and lettuce, but I need vegetarian chik'n too or that won't work. lol
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    If you're trying to get more protein, i can definitely recommend Greek yoghurt.
    5 bean chili's are also pretty good :)
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    You know, you can make your own cheese. It isn't hard. Paneer is super amazing:


    You can make things like this:


    Just sub coconut milk for cream, or you can use milk.

    Curries are not difficult. You just layer the flavors. You add spices to your fat, cook to release the oils, add the sauces and veggies, simmer, serve. I make Indian food at least once a week. I use butter but some people just use coconut oil. If you don't recognize the words, just Google them. For example Kasuri Methi is fenugreek and garam masala is just the name of a spice mix.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I use old fashioned egg whites. Separate them from the yolks. They're cheap that way! :) I've never bought liquid egg whites in a carton. I love extra firm tofu too. I use it in stir fries or use it as a burrito or casserole ingredient.

    Also, yes, I would definitely try to include some additional veggies and fruits. Iceberg lettuce is quite low on the totem pole of veggies, as it doesn't have a lot of nutrients. Spinach would be a better alternative. I'm not sure where you live, but it's super easy to grow a window box garden of leaf lettuces and/or spinach and you have fresh stuff all throughout the warm season! I mean it's phenomenally easy and fun for kids! Buy frozen veggies on sale. Fresh baby carrots are often on sale, as are bananas, grapes, and apples. What I do is go around and see what's in season and on sale, and buy that! Or, I hit the farmers' market.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    P.S. I know you don't like vegetables. I didn't either. But I re-framed them in my mind from something "icky" to an efficient source of fuel for my body that makes me feel better, prevents diseases, and keeps me fuller. You just have to decide you're going to eat them. Simple as that. You're no longer eating for fun; you're eating for fuel (especially if you are on a limited budget).
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I use old fashioned egg whites. Separate them from the yolks. They're cheap that way! :) I've never bought liquid egg whites in a carton. I love extra firm tofu too. I use it in stir fries or use it as a burrito or casserole ingredient.

    Also, yes, I would definitely try to include some additional veggies and fruits. Iceberg lettuce is quite low on the totem pole of veggies, as it doesn't have a lot of nutrients. Spinach would be a better alternative. I'm not sure where you live, but it's super easy to grow a window box garden of leaf lettuces and/or spinach and you have fresh stuff all throughout the warm season! I mean it's phenomenally easy and fun for kids! Buy frozen veggies on sale. Fresh baby carrots are often on sale, as are bananas, grapes, and apples. What I do is go around and see what's in season and on sale, and buy that! Or, I hit the farmers' market.
    I live in Chicago. Not sure what a farmers market is. Is that like in the country where people sell stuff or? I'll just google that too. lol
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    P.S. I know you don't like vegetables. I didn't either. But I re-framed them in my mind from something "icky" to an efficient source of fuel for my body that makes me feel better, prevents diseases, and keeps me fuller. You just have to decide you're going to eat them. Simple as that. You're no longer eating for fun; you're eating for fuel (especially if you are on a limited budget).
    I like vegetables. I just can't afford them usually. I will eat nearly any vegetable if it is cooked nicely. I love broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber is okay, tomato I can eat constantly (yes its a fruit, so is cucumber but still lol), avocado (fruit) I could eat all day every day, potatoes, lettuce is okay, peppers, onions, and spinach only if it is in a dip or in something with red sauce and cheese. I like most things, it is just I like them certain ways. :] I'm picky about how my food is cooked for some reason. I just hate that we don't have a better store in walking distance and we have an Aldi that is, but it is a little far for me to take the kids right now since it is so cold outside. :/
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    For protein- tofu is super filling. You dont need protein shakes. Talked to a perspnal trainer and he said moat people he knows on them put the weight back on after stopping a food diary. Eating real foods helps you do a lifestyle change. I agree with others; too much cheese.
    If i were you i would look at brekkie first and make sure thats super healthy. Ie. No processed food here but toast or low sugar high fibre cereal. Getting into a good brekkie habit is the best thing ive ever done for myself in terms of healthy choices.
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm slightly surprised that as a vegetarian your not eating more fresh fruit and veg.
    Not being a veggie myself, I don't feel well placed to advise... perhaps more wholegrain rice and pasta with fresh veg and cut down on the bread and cheese..?
    I'm a vegetarian for animal rights/humane reasons, not as much health reasons. I love my health and all that of course, but that was not my reason. You can advice either way! Ideas are ideas no matter where they stem from and I like brown rice, but I don't know what to do with it. I have some brown rice actually and I can buy whole grain rice if that is not what it is (I'm not sure). Someone was talking about all this weird rice dish stuff and I didn't understand half of the words. I have no idea how to make a curry, for example. I just asked the other day about fresh mushrooms as I can't stand them uncooked and I'm not sure if I've ever had them cooked or not. I don't normally eat this much bread and actually was eating no bread, but I upped my intake so I would get more protein. I also LOVE cheese, so I can lower it, but not get rid of it. Lol. I would literally be depressed without cheese. I love it. lol. The issue is that I can't eat a lot of eggs either because of the cholesterol and egg whites in a carton are $6 or more per and we make not even $800 per month for four people. I know people are going to say "If you don't know how to make it, look it up" and I have slowly, but I don't come from a family of home made food, just about ever. When we do make home made food it is fattening, like yummy potato salad (my fav), stuffing, mashed potatoes with eggs and a whole stick of butter, etc. I think the only semi healthy thing we make is Goulash and even that has canned beans instead of fresh ones because it needs the juice. The other issue is my husband because he doesn't eat a lot of vegetables and we like the opposite fruits because he eats melon and I don't, but I eat berries and he won't. My husband is a vegetarian too, but he doesn't eat many vegetables. The most I get him to eat is corn, which he loves, mashed potatoes if I push it and very little, and of course I can force feed him most green veggies sometimes and he willingly takes it, but I can tell it is "forced" because it makes him miserable. lol. The stuff he will eat and like is cucumber, tomato, and lettuce if it has dressing (cucumber without it) and carrots if ranch dressing is there as dip. I will eat the carrots if there is cheddar cheese involved (cubes/sticks) on the side, but only with the whole fat ranch, so there goes that idea. I can eat cucumber, tomato, and lettuce, but I need vegetarian chik'n too or that won't work. lol

    The 'I dont know what to do with rice...dont know how to cook a curry' just stood out to me
    There are a tonne of websites which have easy recipes for you to follow which all include clean recipes with lots of vegies and are not at all time consuming, they just take a bit of prep.

    Here are a few -

    And specifically -

    And remember, if you are picky about ingredients dont add them or add something you like. Cooking can be so simple :)
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I'm slightly surprised that as a vegetarian your not eating more fresh fruit and veg.
    Not being a veggie myself, I don't feel well placed to advise... perhaps more wholegrain rice and pasta with fresh veg and cut down on the bread and cheese..?
    I'm a vegetarian for animal rights/humane reasons, not as much health reasons. I love my health and all that of course, but that was not my reason. You can advice either way! Ideas are ideas no matter where they stem from and I like brown rice, but I don't know what to do with it. I have some brown rice actually and I can buy whole grain rice if that is not what it is (I'm not sure). Someone was talking about all this weird rice dish stuff and I didn't understand half of the words. I have no idea how to make a curry, for example. I just asked the other day about fresh mushrooms as I can't stand them uncooked and I'm not sure if I've ever had them cooked or not. I don't normally eat this much bread and actually was eating no bread, but I upped my intake so I would get more protein. I also LOVE cheese, so I can lower it, but not get rid of it. Lol. I would literally be depressed without cheese. I love it. lol. The issue is that I can't eat a lot of eggs either because of the cholesterol and egg whites in a carton are $6 or more per and we make not even $800 per month for four people. I know people are going to say "If you don't know how to make it, look it up" and I have slowly, but I don't come from a family of home made food, just about ever. When we do make home made food it is fattening, like yummy potato salad (my fav), stuffing, mashed potatoes with eggs and a whole stick of butter, etc. I think the only semi healthy thing we make is Goulash and even that has canned beans instead of fresh ones because it needs the juice. The other issue is my husband because he doesn't eat a lot of vegetables and we like the opposite fruits because he eats melon and I don't, but I eat berries and he won't. My husband is a vegetarian too, but he doesn't eat many vegetables. The most I get him to eat is corn, which he loves, mashed potatoes if I push it and very little, and of course I can force feed him most green veggies sometimes and he willingly takes it, but I can tell it is "forced" because it makes him miserable. lol. The stuff he will eat and like is cucumber, tomato, and lettuce if it has dressing (cucumber without it) and carrots if ranch dressing is there as dip. I will eat the carrots if there is cheddar cheese involved (cubes/sticks) on the side, but only with the whole fat ranch, so there goes that idea. I can eat cucumber, tomato, and lettuce, but I need vegetarian chik'n too or that won't work. lol

    The 'I dont know what to do with rice...dont know how to cook a curry' just stood out to me
    There are a tonne of websites which have easy recipes for you to follow which all include clean recipes with lots of vegies and are not at all time consuming, they just take a bit of prep.

    Here are a few -

    And specifically -

    And remember, if you are picky about ingredients dont add them or add something you like. Cooking can be so simple :)
    Thank you! :] thats a lot! I never seen any of those actually. When I google it I get the same sites and they usually have 100 ingredients they dont sell at my grocery store or any stores I know of. :/ Our store doesn't even have quinoa and I have never tried it.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    The swaps you've already made sound like great steps in the right direction. Sounds like it's a mix of confidence and organisation to me. Matbe you could find a simple curry and a simple casserole recipe on one of the sites already mentioned or BBCgoodfood is one I use a lot, and set yourself to learn to cook them, to start. There are lots of easy and delicious recipes with not too many ingredients, and it's a lot easier than you think - brown rice, for instance probably comes with instructions on the packet, but it's likely to be rinse it, boil water in a pan, add rice and simmer for 25 minutes (but check because the cooking time does change a bit for different types of rice). Job done. Now if you had a nice simple homemade curry to pour over, that would be really good.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    You know i went back a few days and really everything looks pretty good, only one suggestion and it is not that big. Have you ever thought about making your own Pizza? you could really cut out a bunch of fat and sodium that way. I use flatouts to make pizza and instead of loading it up with cheese, just a sprinkle of parmasean on top makes a great flavor. But all in all you eat pretty well I would say but that is just my opinion
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    Check out the lentils thread, there are some good recipes coming up in that and they are a good source of protein. I'm also veggie and need to up my protein so will be checking out the protein shakes.

    The person above me suggests home made pizza, this a really good idea - they are easy to make and you can make a whole batch of bases and freeze them. I think you can freeze the dough too.

    Cheese omelette is a good way to get protein from cheese and egg - we keep chickens so I also eat a lot of eggs. And eat as much fresh veg and fruit as you can.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Sweet potato roasted with cinnamon and nutmeg, ratatouille, spinach and ricotta lasagna...
    Also, nothing wrong with protein shakes, but I wouldn't use them if I wasn't lifting weight as they aren't a meal substitute... Just a great way of getting a bucketload of protein into you.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    You know i went back a few days and really everything looks pretty good, only one suggestion and it is not that big. Have you ever thought about making your own Pizza? you could really cut out a bunch of fat and sodium that way. I use flatouts to make pizza and instead of loading it up with cheese, just a sprinkle of parmasean on top makes a great flavor. But all in all you eat pretty well I would say but that is just my opinion
    Yea I didn't plan on pizza last night or today! It was because I forgot to buy some stuff at the store :/ lol I was going to make spaghetti with vegetarian meatballs so my protein was lower than expected. stupid pizza lol Thank you! I love homemade pizza :]