

I've decided to lose my excess weight and get healthy. So... yeah.

I know this is going to sound wildly inappropriate, and probably not the best way to introduce myself to a weightloss community, but this is how I got here. Last year, I quit uni (it was boring/not challenging), and started a pre-apprenticeship course in pastry cooking. Having done that, four months ago, I got an actual apprenticeship at one of the large cake/pastry/cookie wholesalers in my city (basically we do everything a corner patisserie does, using the same basic techniques, cept we do a lot more of it - not an automated factory). Yesterday, because I noticed my favourite lazy-day shorts were slipping off, I went and reluctantly stepped onto a scale. I'm currently at 114KG. The last time I measured myself (before I started my new job), I was above 130kg (maybe 135~, scales top out at 130). So I've lost 15kg~ simply by getting a new job, and not changing my eating habits at all. I'm feeling better than I have in years. Apparently all my clothes are now too big (yay) and I've got more energy then ever.

But I want more. I want to actually be healthy again. And I want to look in the mirror and not be disgusted.

So here I am. I've also been reading through r/loseit and signed up at fitocracy. I just had my first weigh in and measure - waaaaaaay more uncomfortable then I'd like, even in an empty bathroom by myself. I've got my own googledoc setup to measure and track my progress (scientific method up in the house, yo). And as I'm typing this, I'm getting ready to go take my dog for a long walk.

So that's me.
