skinny thanksgiving recipes?

coconuthead8 Posts: 7 Member
One of the scariest holidays for diets is coming up, THANKSGIVING. I absolutely adore thanksgiving food and it's a BIG holiday with my family. So I was wondering if anyone had lower calorie option recipes of the same type of food for thanksgiving! Especially a good stuffing recipe? (my personal thanksgiving favorite) Cheers :)


  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Honestly, it's only once a year. Snack lightly earlier in the day just to keep your blood sugar stable, don't go back for seconds, and go for a walk afterward. Talk to your family in advance if you're worried that you'll be forced to eat more than you want to for the sake of being "polite," and ask them to please respect your desire to not wreck your progress and accept this compromise. It's either one plate or you don't come to Thanksgiving this year, so if Grandma will be hurt when you decline another huge slice of the turkey she slaved over, sorry in advance but she's just going to have to deal.