Time to make a change

bzelt Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I've been wanting to make a lifestyle change for a long time, but it was only till the past year and a half that I started having a problem controlling my weight. This is the heaviest I've ever been and I'm tired of not having clothes that fit well. My problem, though, is between my own confidence and my boyfriend loving me no matter what- I'm really content with myself the way I am about 50% of the time. However, I know that if I cannot get my weight under control, I will reach a point of poor health and unhappiness. I am looking for inspiration and encouragement to make a change before I hit rock bottom.


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Oh I have a hubby that loves me no matter what. It drives me crazy. Every time I'm trying to do really well, he would order a pizza and then say, "oh honey, you can have one piece. that won't mess you up." And seriously, what fat chic eats one piece of pizza? Not this one. I eat like the whole thing. So I found my own motivation. Both of my parents have diabetes. My dad is 53 and the doctors are talking about taking off his foot. AT 53!!! That's just crazy. SO I decided that I was going to do it for me and no one else. And now, when hubby orders the pizza and tells me that one piece won't mess me up, he's right. Except now it just tastes nasty.

    My other motivation is shopping. I LOVE to shop and now that I've lost a lot of weight I get all new clothes and they're all so cute!!!
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    I've had a weight problem for over 7 years...I can't tell you the times I have gained and lost the same 10pds...so frustrating! I never had a weight problem before my pregnancy with my son (who's 7)..gained over 60 pds with that pregnancy and never got all of it off..still carrying 40 pds of it..I'm a southern woman and was raised that my husband, children were always first, cooking, cleaning, were my responsibility. Before my child/marriage, I was very active...kayaked, biked, taught aerobics, played softball, tennis...you get the picture...and after marriage/child...I got lost in the midst of it...I would only give myself the "leftovers"..which was never much at all! I became depressed and it was a runaway train...with a recipe of misery..My husband is a very fit, nice looking man who has always been a fan of fitness...I felt ugly, undesirable, inadequate and this just made the train go faster....and the misery grow..anyway...in August I ordered P90X and did that program for 13 weeks and eventually was down 8 pds...then came xmas...I gained it back...Stop/Start/Stop/Start...same weight coming off as coming on....Then I "came to myself"...and realized that I'm in control of my happiness and the outcome of my life with the Grace of God of course...so the first Wed in Jan...I stopped the insanity...I threw away the bad food, started running with friends, taking time for myself and time with Friends..things I never did before or not enough..just the leftovers...I feel great...My husband treats me better now..it's like he's back in love with me..(I'm more like the person he fell in love with..the strong, determined one..not the sad, miserable one)..I say really have a come to yourself search and decide what you don't like about yourself..then make a decision to change!! Only you can change you!! You are stronger than you think!! I also fear diabetes..I have it on both sides of my family...even the skinny ones..and this is motivating me to get this weight off.. So get started...each day make yourself move your body..Find someone that really wants it as much as you and workout with that person..surround yourself with "Healthy people" cause misery loves company..OK so I've told you my life story..sorry..GET GOING! Change only comes when it is mixed with Physical Effort! THINK NIKE- JUST DO IT!!!
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