Food Entry Question

Redbug Posts: 41
I have entered a recipe and saved it under "My Meal" but I was wondering is there a way to break it down to show individual serving sizes? Otherwise it has the nutritional value and calories for the entire dish.


  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    For example, if you eat one fourth of it, you could put .25 servings in the serving spot. Hope that helps.
  • Jes21sica
    Jes21sica Posts: 90 Member
    I just figure out how many servings the dish makes, then divide one by that number. When you put in how many servings you have use the result of that. For example if you make something that is 6 servings, divide 1 by six and you will get .16, that is the number of servings you will have, Other then that I don't think there's an easier way.