Need sweet potato recipes



  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    check out - nice ones there
  • They are good just straight baked in the oven 400 for about 45 minutes don't put anything on them eat them straight up you will be surprised at how tasty they are "plain" although I would love to try the chipotle fries they look delicious, maybe tonight with my Cornish hen love them little "chickens"
    I keep it simple as well. A trick I've found to sweeten them up a little is to squeeze the juice of an orange into the baked Sweet potatoes, add a few raisins and walnuts then top with cinnamon. A little zest from the orange gives it a bit of a kick as well.

    Some great recipes on this thread! :tongue:
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member

    1)Weigh out 200g of sweet potatoes
    2)Put in bowl
    3)Take out of bowl
    4)Replace with chips & bacon
    5)Thank yourself for at least trying to be healthy before giving into bacon and chips. :D
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    How do you guys slice your sweet potatoes evenly to make fries? They're so hard I can't get my knife all the way through them...usually like 1/2 an inch. Then the "fries" are uneven and most of them burn or don't cook fully. I follow the recipes to a T. I really don't understand how people make sweet potato fries that don't have a machine that cuts them!
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