Is feeling cold to do with my diet?



  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    What I've figured out is, when I started changing my diet, yes, I was feeling colder. I discovered that a lot of the foods that I was eating were high in fat and oily contents, and so my body was getting warmer from that (a drastic example is, whenever I would eat fast food, I would feel hot and sometimes a little bit sweaty). When that came out of my diet, and the fat cells started melting off my body, my "built in" heating system was breaking down. It wasn't a bad thing, I just went from always feeling warm and hot to discovering that it was a symptom of being fat.

    Since then, I can tell when my body doesn't like something simply by my internal body temperature after I've eaten it.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    What I've figured out is, when I started changing my diet, yes, I was feeling colder. I discovered that a lot of the foods that I was eating were high in fat and oily contents, and so my body was getting warmer from that (a drastic example is, whenever I would eat fast food, I would feel hot and sometimes a little bit sweaty). When that came out of my diet, and the fat cells started melting off my body, my "built in" heating system was breaking down. It wasn't a bad thing, I just went from always feeling warm and hot to discovering that it was a symptom of being fat.

    Since then, I can tell when my body doesn't like something simply by my internal body temperature after I've eaten it.

    That makes sense to me! Love the idea of my fat melting off my body!

    I can remember when I used to deliberately binge and eat buttercream, it would make my eyelids sweat.....yuk!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    You should really check with your doctor. Could be a sign of a circulation problem.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    You should really check with your doctor. Could be a sign of a circulation problem.

    Circulation is all good thanks
  • trobbin88
    trobbin88 Posts: 38 Member
    All i can say is i felt warm all the time and now since i started reducing my calories and losing weight, i'm i hear ya.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Spicy food is good for making you feel warm.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    Spicy food is good for making you feel warm.

    Very true....and chillies raise metabolism too!
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    The way I see it, I've just lost 36lbs of excellent insulation material - a fat person takes longer to die of hypothermia in cold water than a slim one. That he because they have more insulation. Until my body adjusts, I expect I will feel colder. It will just take a bit of time.
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    LOL, Just the other day I mentioned that I felt really cold and my 9yo came back with "Well, that's because you don't have blubber like a seal any more!" I closely monitor my iodized sodium and iron content, so I know it's not a matter of a thyroid or an anemia issue (been there, done that!); I'm fairly active - 5 miles/day minimum + 50 jumping jacks) and; my cal intake vs cal burn is usually with 500 cals. All in all I feel that I'm hitting my marks. I'm not tired or listless or exhibiting any other noticeable changes other than the weight loss and that my high blood pressure is tapering off to more reasonable levels, so I'm thinking that my daughter may be right!

    On another thread, other MFPers were feeling the cold and some were recommending Under Armour Cold Weather Gear. Me, personally? I just went and bought a silk base layer tee-shirt. Works well for me! :-)

    P.S. - But if your house needs some better insulation or the windows replaced with double-paned ones, don't miss the opportunity to guilt your SO into getting it done! :laugh:
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    Since cutting calories and losing weight I'm cold all the time so you have my sympathy. I'm sitting here wearing my sports base layer though so feeling good right now :smile:
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I'm cold all the time now, especially at work. My thyroid is fine, and I take all of the vitamin supplements my doctor reccomends so I think it's simple that there is less of me. I have noticed that I am often much colder after eating my lunch, which I think is weird. Today it finally dawned on me that I truely need to be dressing differently. I always though scarves were worn strictly as a fashion accessory, now I'm realizing that they are functional fashion and really helpful at keeping me warm.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks everyone :smile:
  • Buffy2point0
    Buffy2point0 Posts: 31 Member
    Drinking lots of water makes me cold. Think about it....cold water...chilling you from the inside out. Just a thought.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    Drinking lots of water makes me cold. Think about it....cold water...chilling you from the inside out. Just a thought.

    I've noticed since it's got colder here, I am not enjoying cold tap water so I sit it on the radiator to take the edge off it!
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I used to run hot when I was heavier. I never like being hot, and exclusively preferred cold. Now as I've lost weight I've noticed my tolerance to the extreme hot and cold has dropped. I can stand hot weather better (to the point I can go walking in 90 degree heat and feel fine), but the cold I need to layer up and can't go into freezers for extended periods of time the way I used to.

    As for your diet, if you're feeling the cold in your extremities and less of an overall feeling, that's do to poor circulation in those areas and can actually be improved with diet and exercise.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Yes it more than likely is the cause of your diet. Slows blood flow down, lower's blood pressure, and many other reagents. Don't worry just wrap up more. I've lost over 88 lbs and I stay cold even in 90* weather. When everyone else is in shorts and tee shirts, I am the one with a small wind breaker on . lol.. but its cool cause I know what I've done and how far I've come,,
  • Yummamamma
    Yummamamma Posts: 79 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked?
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    You could stand to eat a bit more, it may help to give your body a bit more fuel. Just under 1890 calories/day is still a 20 percent deficit, and that's if you're sedentary.

    Also spicy food, or hot drinks. My office is icy cold most of the time and I just drink hot decaf all day, it does the trick.

    If your energy is also low, you could have your doctor run some bloodwork. Even if nothing is wrong you'll have a baseline.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    If I gain or lose weight it takes a few months for my body to adjust, and in the meantime I'm always too cold or too hot.
  • tairaven
    tairaven Posts: 72 Member
    Contrary to the popular belief that having extra fat means you're warm - just because you got that extra layer... well, it just isn't true. I am always cold, regardless of what weight I am (or what season it is)... unless I'm moving.

    If you're active, eat a healthy diet, and still cold, you might want to have your thyroid checked.