
r1chy Posts: 48
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
If I have a diet fizzy drink or a cup of tea (dont drink coffee as we prefer tea in England) do I put this as a glass of water?


  • Do a search for the type of tea or drink...they probably have it. I do drink coffee, and MFP has coffee in its database. Good luck!
  • r1chy
    r1chy Posts: 48
    I found the drink int he list but whats confusing me is the water thing.... I would guess that as well as adding it on my diary i would incriment the water count by one too?
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    Depends how you think of water. Weight Watchers used to allow you to count anything calorie and caffeine free as water, but now they allow you to count all liquids.

    Personally, I only count water and flavored water (Crystal Light). Tea would count if I drank it.
  • I personally don't because I feel dehydrated when I only drink diet sodas and no water.
    God bless,
  • I def. count all drinks as water, since your body will process the water as water, and any additives as whatever they are. For example, if you have soup, most likely you will end up urinating the broth, and well, poo-ing the rest.. So, yes, it doesnt' matter how you intake your fluids, as long as you consume at least 8 cups daily, we technically should drink more.. (p.s. i'm not a doctor).
  • r1chy
    r1chy Posts: 48
    I do drink about 4 to 5 glasses of water a day but even if you discount fizzy drinks ( which i may have one or two a week), theres still fresh OJ and cups of tea.

    Personally I will add refreshment drinks to my forr diary for the addative (cr*p more like but it tastes good) and also add a glass of water for each one
  • That's what I try to do, drink as much water (or more) as my diet sodas.
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