Cannot lose weight no matter how hard I try



  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    Perhaps you're hypothyroid? I could exercise and exercise, watch what I was eating and I would maybe lose two pounds at most after months, while my boyfriend had no problems dropping weight doing the same. I went to the doctor for a physical and a blood test came back as hypothyroid. It was a relief to finally have a reason why weight loss was so hard. It took a while to find the right dosage, but now it's all good.

    So if you find you have your calories in check and you're not under estimating your food or over estimating your exercise perhaps you should visit your doctor.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I was initially on the 1200 set by MFP and found that I lost a bit quite quickly and then nothing for weeks. And I was hungry and grouchy. I changed my activity level up another notch without logging my gentle exercise and it helped with with hunger and the grumps and I had 1300 to consume.

    I did some calculations on the whole TDEE BMR abc 123 LOL and decided that since I am 'willowy' of build and needing to lose not a whole lot of weight, I would eat between the BMR and the TDEE of my goal weight so I manually set my calories to 1330. I set the protein/carbs/fat ratio to 40/40/20 which, I must say, I rarely take much notice of if I am close to or not - oops my bad. I have now been consistently losing weight and centimetres at a nice steady pace and I am no longer chewing the legs off the dining table.

    I think this works for me because I am wanting to lose a total of 7 kilos (about 15ish pounds) and my current TDEE/BMR and goal TDEE and BMR fall within a couple of hundred calories of each other so I guess I am eating in the zone for both my current weight and goal weight.

    I personally think I stalled out quickly at 1200 because I have always had a fast metabolism and I do need to fuel the furnace. When I was eating lower my body went 'nup that's not gonna happen'.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    sounds like you are eating too little. if what you're doing isn't working switch tactics to something else. Maybe if you aren't eating too little you should try working out even more. Without knowing you it's hard to say. But you have to have a positive attitude. Saying you can't won't get you there. Are you taking measurements? I was so mad in Sept when my weightloss slowed down to half of what I'd been losing before. I worked my @$$ off all month and only lost 7 lbs. But it was all crystal clear when I took my end of the month measurements. Lost only 7 lbs BUT I lost 19 inches! In one month. See, hard work pays off even when your scale is being a jerk.
  • AngieBee67
    AngieBee67 Posts: 16 Member
    NO EXPERT as well, but from experience I was NOT losing when I was eating certain foods I thought were good for me. I had to stop and reevaluate what I was eating. I stopped eating OATMEAL and that made a difference. My husband works out, weight lifting and all, and does the protein shakes. I think that puts on weight due to building muscle. Go online and start researching which foods are good and bad. Which carbs are good and bad. I workout an hour AFTER I eat dinner. If I know I'm going to have a harder workout that night, I'll eat more carbs because I know I'll burn them off. Good luck and DON'T give up. I used to always be a thin person. When I started struggling with weight loss I found MFP and it's worked for me ever since I started and I LOVE it. I haven't added anyone yet. But, if you need that extra motivation, ADD ME!!!
  • m1311
    m1311 Posts: 103 Member
    When I was on birth control, I kept thinking that it was putting on the pounds, and my OB Gyn kept saying it couldn't. When I got off the BC, I instantly dropped about 15 pounds. (Granted, I then decided I could eat like a horse and put it all back on within a couple years!) Later I heard that it can affect different people in different ways. It was good not to be getting pregnant though! That would have been worse than the weight gain.
  • boshankle
    I am another one who is not able to loose weight. I have been at the same weight for about three years now. I started my fitness and tracking my food and excercise has helped a little. Still not seeing good results. I am always below my calories, carbs and fat.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I too think you are not eating enough. Your body needs enough energy to keep going especially if you are working out. I eat 1610 cals a day and eat back exercise calories. I need this much food it has become a bit of a joke at work how much I eat but everyone comments on how healthy my food is. I try to eat clean as much as possible my treats are protein bars and the odd glass of wine. My weight loss has hit a bit of a plateau recently but I am almost at target and currently focusing on weight lifting so i am happy with this. Keep at it anyone can add me for support.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    The scale gives us a number and indicator of progress. The tape is a better measure though. I wear the same size clothes I did when I was last 170 lbs in the mid 1980s. My weight right now is 233... The difference? I started working out at the gym ... Now, I recognize that those clothes don't quite fit the same as when I weighed 170 but there is not THAT much difference.. (The last time I weighed 199 after just running, I wore size 38 pants whereas now I wear size 34. Big difference.
  • samminister
    samminister Posts: 1 Member
    That was me! I tried to blame it on everything including birth control, and i got thyroid and diabetis tests, was on 1000 - 1200 cals and was sooo miserable.
    3 and half months ago I started using myfitness pal - recording absolutely everything and it allowed me to eat more than i was before. also got a couch to 5k running app so could finally fit exercise in when i wanted. finally realised I was not eating enough before so not only was I not losing weight but i was miserable and wanting to binge all the time. Have lost 17 pounds in 3 and a half months, very slow but steady even did it on a two week holiday to spain gaining no weight. i dont feel deprived so its easy to stick to and i treat myself to about half of my exercise calories i've burned so can have treats on these days.
    Am now slimmest I have been for 6 years and feel great. My emotional well being should not be so wrapped up in my size i know but the running has also made me fitter than i have ever been!
    Good luck!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories?

    If so, how do you work that out?

    MFP is considered to over-estimate them, which can cause problems as you end up over-eating, especially if on a smaller deficit.

    Definitely another vote for making sure every single thing is recorded. A table spoon of oil for cooking is 125 calories, taking the above example to a bigger extreme.
    So just missing like that could add a big chunk to your intake.