Hello from a ZWOW Worier

Most of you must be wondering what the heck is this topic talking about?! lol :wink: and you would be right to think that. See I have been recently fallowing a woman called Zuzana Light. She is a fitness trainer on youtube who has inspired me to work out again. She has come up with a way to have shorter workouts and still burn a lot of calories. They are super intense and work every muscle while also kicking your but with cardio. Naturally when I saw how fast you can pick up the workouts I was hooked.:love: I hate taking long periods of time in the gym just to get results. But these workouts only take up 10-20 mins max! She uses minimal equipment and if she does use it, it is only to make the work out a challenge. She explains the work out's before you begin and even shows beginners an alternative if they can't keep up. She has her famous timer ready to go always and counts how many "rounds," as she calls them. She isn't like other instructors she is modest and encourages you to at least try. She wants people every were to succeed. If you have not heard of ZWOW look it up on you tube I highly recommend these work outs believe me you will sweat to death by the end, but you feel great too.:happy:


  • adanhauer
    adanhauer Posts: 6 Member
    Zuzana had me hooked this time last year when she was hosting workouts on Bodyrock.tv! I completely agree about her being modest and wanting people to be successful! I need to start getting back into following her workouts! She kicked my butt and I saw results rather quickly the short time I was working out with her! =)