Anyone cook?



  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I cook daily. Breakfast if it's not rolled oats and yogurt is eggs. Lunch is leftover of dinner the night before. Dinner I almost always cook unless it's date night or pizza cause we both worked late...
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    I try to cook the majority of the time but it seems that my eating out goes in blocks. Won't do it for weeks then I'll have 3/4 meals out in a row. I am getting better about the choices I make since I've started to log every bite I take.
  • Kaydana123
    Kaydana123 Posts: 71 Member
    I make most of my food myself. Every couple of weeks or so I'll share a pizza (of the frozen supermarket variety) with a friend while we watch a film but meals out and takeaways are reserved for special occasions only and only happen a handful of times a year.

    I've spent a fair amount of time finding ways to minimise the amount of time I have to actually spend cooking. Most of my food is made in large batches in the slow cooker at weekends (mostly using frozen veg because it's cheaper, with the added bonus of already being chopped up) so during the week all I have to do is empty a container into a bowl and pop it in the microwave for two minutes.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    I cook my meals from scratch everyday.
    I've never been into fast food or takeaways.
  • Jacquis59
    I cook all the time!! Message me if you want some recipes. Eating out is so rarely good for you and those Smart Ones dinners still have a load of carbs sometimes.