No late night "junk"snacking - 01/25/2010 to 01/31/2010



  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Lulabelle: I'm excited that you got 8 hours asleep, you always seem very busy. Enjoy your movie night, my theater weakness is Nachos with jalapenos. The ice cream will continue to be my down fall until it's all gone. Lucky for me, it's halfway gone now.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :cry:
    Well last night, was doing good, but the chardonnay made me hungry. Had the calories, just didn't need to eat. Oh well, it was worth a night out with the girls. Tonight I'll do better. 9 p.m.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Last night, I ate a late snack, but it was fresh fruit, so I don't think there is anything bad about that. But my actually dinner and everything, I was done eating by 7pm. Tonight, I'm supposed to go out to eat. Hopefully I will make a good meal decision along with it not being too late.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    lulabelle, I :love: your new photo!
    Last night was unexpectedly good. This is to say, if it weren't for this challenge, I would have eaten later, more and apparently unnecessary :smile:. 4 in a row! :drinker:. Again, no clear plans for tonight - so I'll try to stick to 9 - and tomorrow I will allow myself to eat by 9:30, if there won't be other choice (which I am optimistic there will be :wink.).
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Ha, I made it through the weekend! So I've got 6 days in a row, which means I'll keep two counters this week: one for the week in progress and one for my consecutive nights (though as it happens this is also a new month, so maybe I should keep three :wink:).
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I made it through the Saturday and Sunday. Because of the two glasses of chardonnay on my girls night Friday night, I ended up having the munchies when I got home. I know better :( On Saturday, got snowed in while hubby worked and kids were gone so tried not to do bored eating. On Saturday night, got the munchies at 10:30, so had a handful of grapes instead of the ice cream that I originally pulled out, which I consider a HUGE success for me. Last night, done by 7 also.

    I'm just going to start the week over. Give myself a new frame of mind to eat healthier on the hours I am eating :)