Hit a little speedbump but I'm getting back on track

Hi. I'm Stephanie. In the past year, I have lost 60lbs total (39 of them with help from this app). I turned 30 and decided that I needed to change things. Fast forward: I had a rough month and really fell off track with the eating and working out. I'm guilty of using food for comfort. I am ready to get back on track and I have a goal to lose at least 30 more. I do much better with the motivation of others. I've lost my workout buddies because they all have boyfriends now lol. I don't know why that means they cant workout but whatever. It's good to be back to this app and I would like to use it to its fullest potential. Please add me if you think you can help! Good luck to everyone in reaching their fitness goals!:smile:


  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Welcome back, you may add me I enjoy helping others to lose weight. I've started and stopped so many times and this time I've learned how to stick to my plan and stuck on it long enough to see Non Scale Victories and have become more and more motivated. Good luck