I am new & encouragment.

:happy: Hello Everyone!~ I just want to start out by saying Bless all of us who are trying to lose weight & stay fit. This is a big challenge for some people and some people are able to easily conquer this task. Good luck to everyone and I will be thinking of all of you while I am doing that last set on the weight bench or last minute on the treadmill. Knowing there is many, many people out there like me makes me feel we are in this together!!

Now a little about myself, I am 5'1 so gaining 5lbs make me look like I gained 15. My husband is going through an exercise regime & diet program so it is natural for me to get fit with him. Heart disease runs in his family big time so he is trying to beat the odds. I am very proud of him and thankful he is trying to live past 55(average age of men dying in his family due to heart diease). Thank you all for listening to this and have a wonderul day!!!!!:tongue:


  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    WELCOME!!!! Best wishes to both you & your husband!!!
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Good luck with the weight loss! I hope you fidn this site as useful and supportive as I do!
  • mrwingard
    mrwingard Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: Welcome! I hope you and your husband met your goals and remember to always support and encourage each other. I have only been a part of this program for a week and have already lost 4lbs. For me, exercising comes much easier to me than watching what I eat. But since I have been keeping track of what I eat, it is becoming eaiser for me to realize that not only what you eat matters but how much you eat. Portion control is a big key to keeping the calories down. Like you, my husband is also on board for getting back into shape and being fit not just for himself but for our relationship with each other and our children.

    I know what you mean when you say gaining just a few pounds really makes a difference when you are older. I am 45 and am starting to realize that getting pounds off is getting harder and harder as time marches on. I try to remember that if I don't lose any weight during a two week period not to get discouraged because maintaining is also important. Also another thing that has helped me is to have several realistic goals and when you reach those goals you need to have some type of reward for reaching those goals. So, good luck to you and your husband and I will be thinking of you both and wishing you much success!