Need more motivation, aka, need a swift kick in the *kitten*!!!

A little over 8 years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. I was about 25 pounds overweight at the time, and was stupid enough not to recognize the symptoms even though my Dad had it and his Dad had it and so on. My A1C at diagnosis was about 8.9. In a 5 month period I not only got that number down to 5.9, but I had managed to lose 40 lbs!!! I was so excited, eating right, walking, and working out at the gym (which at this time I can't afford anymore). Over the years I've yo-yo'd up and down with my weight, but managed to keep on track with my A1C never letting it get above 7.

A year and a half ago, I had to be on the evil drug predisone for about two month while kicking an asthma attack. In that short two months I gained 25 new pounds of lard that I have to carry around now, and I'm stuck shooting insulin, a ridiculous amount might I add to help get my sugars under control again. I've gotten my A1C down from 11 to a 7.3 in the past two months. Unfortunately I haven't been able to lose more than a pound here and there and usually just gain it back.

I know I'm just rambling and ranting but my non-diabetic friends just have no reference point for what I'm going through and they just don't understand the frustration.

I'm a foodie, through and through and I love to cook!!! I love eating even more, lol.....BUT I need to eat the right foods. I always hear about certain combinations of food being eaten together or in the course of a day helping the other foods I eat better metabolize better and also assist in weight loss. I have a load of good low carb meals, but they're all becoming a little repetative and I'm getting bored. Bored usually means I supplement with bad food that tastes really good.

If anyone has any recipes that you've found to be tasty and carb friendly, I'm always looking for something new to add to my list of meals to make.

Looking forward to meeting new people here who go through the same struggles I go through and making new friends.....


  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberlee,49. I am a diabetic who is insulin resistant and was a whopping amount of humulin R 500 and humulin N. I was taking 100's of units of insulin everyday and still couldn't get my blood sugars under control. Now I am off insulin and take 2 oral diabetic meds. I understand following a diabetic diet and I know that it is easier to eat plain food which is easier to calculate everyday. They do get boring. I am on a low carb, high protein diet and try to watch my fats and sodium intake also. I have problems eating frest fruits and veggies due to multiple stomach and intestinal surgeries, so I can't really eat them, which makes it more difficult to eat healthy. I enjoy using very lean hamburger, beans, canned tomatoes in my foods. I do have quite a few healthy recipes that I like and give you if you'd like. Feel free to add me.
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    My partner is borderline diabetic controlled by diet ie me...the food
    police. We have both lost about 1lb weekly since joining Mfp I keep an accurate ingredient list in my diary though we do have some treats. I am not sure if I can help you as UK food different but if you want to share diaries see my profile for info about me aka food police!