Anyone else got 100 pounds plus to lose?

Hellooooo fellow MFP'ers!!

I will be on here a loooong time as I have over 100lbs to lose and am only 11lbs down so far. If there is anyone out there with a long road ahead then please request to be my friend and we can encourage each other :wink:


  • Trudyr777
    Trudyr777 Posts: 573 Member
    Hi there!! I too have clost to 100 (about 88) left to lose! I am down 35 so far, but the battle is far from over. I would LOVE some extra support and accountability!
  • finding_sammi
    I have ! :( and would love some friends for support, feel free to add me anyone

    sam x
  • Lee_louh
    Lee_louh Posts: 37 Member
    HI. Congratulation on your upcoming wedding.
    I found your weight banner particularly interesting as our start and goal weights are virtually identical! (I started 3.6 lbs heavier and want to end up 3 lbs lower than you.) I've lost 22 lbs so far, so still have a long way to go, but I didn't put it all on overnight either. Feel free to add me.
  • robin4u
    robin4u Posts: 16 Member
    I have well over 200lbs to lose, im with you I need all the support I can get.
  • amonkeydidit
    I've got more than 100 pounds left to lose. I started with about 145 pounds to lose. I'm gonna do it too!! Feel free to add me!
  • gordycookie
    Hello! I have about 100 to lose. I just started a few days ago! I will add you :)
  • amandab166
    amandab166 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I have a little over 100 lbs to lose! I have already lost 72 on my own. Just started using MFP.
  • somemansdream
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm Debbie and I have over a hundred pounds to lose. I'm almost at the very beginning so its gonna be a long road for me as well.
  • My ultimate goal is to lose 129lbs, but by next year Labour Day I need to be down 100lbs at minium. I've already been using a fitbit and for a week and am down 4.4lbs. (instert happy dance). I would love to be friends with anyone who has struggled with their weight.
  • tinavflynn
    tinavflynn Posts: 80 Member
    My goal is 100lbs right now, but I'm sure I will need to lose more. I have been on here before, but never had the consistent support to keep going. I need help and support if I'm really going to stick with this. I just visited the site again for the first time in a few months. I would love to have people encourage me as well as encourage others!
  • NerdyBirdy247
    Hi I have about 140-160 to lose depeding on how i feel when i get there!! Im super excited and motivated!! Currently doing Turbo Fire from BeachBody! its hard but i LOVE it.... Feel free to add me and we can help each other xx
  • tubehappy
    Hi! I have about 114 lbs to lose. I've been on weight watchers and using MFP for two weeks now. So far it's been slow and steady....1 pound a week for just over 2 pounds total. It's tough not being discouraged by the numbers especially considering the effort that I put in over the week. I just have to keep reminding myself that I didn't put all this weight on at once and it's going to take some time to get it off the healthy way. Just think if I lost 1 lb a week all last year, I would be 52lbs lighter today, so I have to constantly remind myself not to rush it and to just keep at it. And eventhough the number on the scale may be low, I feel so much better and healthier. Please add me as a friend anyone who needs support like I do.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    I have about 120lbs to lose.....suspect I'll be here a long time too!

    Always happy to support and friend anyone in the same boat as me.
  • rockythurley
    I want to lose exactly 100 pounds ......wish you lots of luck, And need some is so hard to diet when you love to eat but I am going to do it this time....:). Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can encourage each other, have a great day and good luck everyone
  • MommaShorty
    MommaShorty Posts: 93 Member
    I have 110 lbs to lose and I have lost 2 lbs so far. Anyone can add me I love having support people
  • emcdonie
    emcdonie Posts: 190 Member
    My overall goal was a loss of 210 lbs and I am 34 into that journey.

    Anyone may feel free to add me if they need a friend, mutual encouragement is always a blessing.
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    I dont but you people are Awesome....................... I feel if you can do it. I can do it too. It seems so hard to just lose 20 or 30 or even 40 !
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    I feel like I will be here a long time because if I dont the weight will just slip back on even if its not hundreds ; the doc said I had the BMI of obese; I had passed the overweight category. That made me join MFP. Or somehow I found it online, I dont know, just so terribly thankful.
  • susanleonard98
    I lost 90 lbs on Weight Watchers :) I have lost 10 lbs using MFP and i have about 25 left to go. You can add me if you'd like. I know the road seems long BUT if you start breaking it down into smaller goals (10 lbs or whatever works for you) then it seems less overwhelming. You will find what does and doesn't work for you.