Irritating fat face.



  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    I would kill to have your skin. Looking young is something you'll appreciate in a few years, promise :). Just work out and focus on being healthy because you have nothing to worry about in the looks department :wink:
  • gazelleintraining
    I've accepted that I'm not particularly handsome...

    Honestly, I think you're very attractive (really), and now you're healthy to boot, so nice going on the choices you've made recently. You have an intelligent writer-type look about you, complete with very strong and sensitive eyes. All it would take would be one great girl to turn you around. Get into new circles and meet some new women. You may feel differently after that ;)

    On a side note, life is already challenging enough sometimes without having to feel bad about yourself. Body dysmorphia comes from an emotional place, not a physical one. Don't hold back your life's destiny because you feel less than in any regard, physical or otherwise. And if you do feel bad, find a way to fix it healthfully. Work with what you've got--and trust me, you've got a lot more than many.

    [Edit]: One more thing: As a woman aging, I can tell you that my face looks thinner than it used to, and that irritates me because that looks "older" to me but I can't let it stop me from being happy and liking myself. Find the beauty in you that is not dependent on your face. And on a more positive note: by the time you start approaching your 40s, you face, too, will start to thin out as it succumbs to age.
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    Presuming that you can grow facial hair you have a bunch of options for changing your look. I know several guys who grew beards at your age to make themselves look older, so you might consider that if your look is not what you want.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    There are exercises for the face and jowls. I remember Jack LaLane used to do them all the time and he swore it kept him looking young. Here is just one site with some suggestions. Hope it helps.

    And.. a big smile always helps!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    My face really started to thin out dramatically over the last 20 lbs I've lost. The first 120 or so didn't do much for it.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! Maybe start lifting heavy weights. When I first started dating my boyfriend he was 20, had the young plump, face. He's now 26 and his features are getting more chiseled, and that just started maybe two years ago.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    First off, I think you look perfectly normal. But I can understand how one can obsess about stuff like this, I was like that too for the longest time.

    Congrats on the 30lbs gone! Do you have an idea what your bf% might be at the moment? Maybe you could focus on adding muscle mass so this will allow you to cut out more fat without being too thin. Just a constructive suggestion.

    Other than that, if I saw you in public I wouldn't even notice your concerns to be completely honest.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I think you look great! Some people have fat pockets in their cheeks. Nothing you can do about that aside from surgery. Hey! I've seen worse! you could be all sunk in and look like death. Personally I think you look great and don't have anything to worry about. Embrace those cheeks or better yet... let a loved one embrace them for you. :happy:
  • Jesmoko
    Jesmoko Posts: 203 Member
    I've accepted that I'm not particularly handsome...

    Honestly, I think you're very attractive (really), and now you're healthy to boot, so nice going on the choices you've made recently. You have an intelligent writer-type look about you, complete with very strong and sensitive eyes. All it would take would be one great girl to turn you around. Get into new circles and meet some new women. You may feel differently after that ;)

    On a side note, life is already challenging enough sometimes without having to feel bad about yourself. Body dysmorphia comes from an emotional place, not a physical one. Don't hold back your life's destiny because you feel less than in any regard, physical or otherwise. And if you do feel bad, find a way to fix it healthfully. Work with what you've got--and trust me, you've got a lot more than many.

    [Edit]: One more thing: As a woman aging, I can tell you that my face looks thinner than it used to, and that irritates me because that looks "older" to me but I can't let it stop me from being happy and liking myself. Find the beauty in you that is not dependent on your face. And on a more positive note: by the time you start approaching your 40s, you face, too, will start to thin out as it succumbs to age.
    Goddamn, you oughta be a motivational speaker. Thank you.

    And thanks to everyone else here too, this has been quite helpful.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I've lost about 30 lbs this year, going from 182 to 152 lbs. I'm 5'11 (ish), so my BMI is in the normal range. But I still have obnoxiously chubby cheeks and weird play-doh face, and am starting to wonder if I just drew the short straw on the looks department or should I keep at dieting.

    I've accepted that I'm not particularly handsome, nor ever will be, but I had hoped my features would grow more gaunt as I lost weight. Looking like a child at the age of twenty-two has grown a bit tiresome. Should I keep losing weight, build muscle, or just get used to it?

    Here's a photo I took, the first one I've taken of myself in years. Let's see if it shows up...


    I dont see the chubby cheeks hun, What I do see is a very nice looking young man who has embarked on an incredible journey AND one who has been quite successful on said journey. I would be proud to call you my've come a long way baby
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I've lost about 30 lbs this year, going from 182 to 152 lbs. I'm 5'11 (ish), so my BMI is in the normal range. But I still have obnoxiously chubby cheeks and weird play-doh face, and am starting to wonder if I just drew the short straw on the looks department or should I keep at dieting.

    I've accepted that I'm not particularly handsome, nor ever will be, but I had hoped my features would grow more gaunt as I lost weight. Looking like a child at the age of twenty-two has grown a bit tiresome. Should I keep losing weight, build muscle, or just get used to it?

    Here's a photo I took, the first one I've taken of myself in years. Let's see if it shows up...


    You have a small face, you can tell you have lost weight. I'm the same way- my face doesnt get TO chubby when I gain- I show proof since I'm at my heaviest right now- but its chubby-ish. I can see it and I know thats the main difference in me now and me then. But you look fine. I agree with EVERYONE ELSE it will thin as you age- I can see a strong jaw line- which is a GREAT thing on guys- and when you get a little older- you will be very pleased with the outcome :)
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I always complain that I have "fat face syndrome", because even when I was at my lowest weight I still had big cheeks and a round face. Sometimes it still bothers me, but I've gotten used to it and I look at the positive side. I am 25 and still get mistaken for someone in high school. So I know that hopefully these chubby cheeks will keep me looking young! And honestly your face looks good to me :)
  • Lindenholm
    You look fine man. To fine tune your looks though, lift heavy weights. Get a big upperback and neck. Try growing out your hair too. Both of these combined should even up your features. You'll be a lady (or dude) killer in no time. Go get 'em.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I think you look nice. Be happy that you have a "baby face". You'll be thankful for it one day when you're older. My mom still has a "baby face" (well... not as much as she used to... but, still young looking). She's very thankful for her's.

    Breathe. Relax. You're doing great with the weight loss. Maybe try building some muscle. Either way... I think you look very nice.