
Hi All,
I am getting married in June too and need to shed some weight? It feels like it has just crept up on me. I like you work long hours and just grab food on the go that has done me no favours at all? I often binge on the biscuits at work or end up starving myself all day then go on a crazy binge when I get home!
I joined weight watchers but only online as the groups had always finished before I had got home from work but I feel that by talking with people on MFP will spur me on to achieve my weight loss goal! I am struggling to fit in exercise too, by the time that I get home from work have made dinner washed up walked the dogs there isn't much time or energy left for me to exercise. I recently brought a treadmill about four months ago which has been used about three times!
Help as I really want to be back to a size 8-10 before June!
Rochelle x


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Calories in v Calories burned. Add in less empty calories, more whole grains and protein. Finally, FIND THE TIME TO EXERCISE. I like you, work very long hours. I get in 2 crossfit classes a week(at 6am or 8pm depending on the day) and I work out HARD on Sat/Sunday, because I have more time on the weekends and I commit myself to getting in hard long workouts. I also have a dog and a wife, so I know life gets in the way sometimes, but you have to just suck it up and fit it in.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding! Here's some advice:
    1. Log in every single thing you eat - including the biscuits. You'll soon see where the calories are coming from.
    2. Walking your dogs IS exercise! Log it in! Take them on longer walks. They'll love it, and you'll get in more exercise.
    3. Don't try to lose your weight too quickly. Follow the MFP calorie guidelines as well as you can. You'll have ups and downs. That's normal.
    4. Pack your own snacks to take to work. Stay away from the biscuits.
    5. Make sure your MFP food diary is open for friends. Then you can ask them for advice about what foods you should change.

    Good luck! :drinker:
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    Start C25K on your treadmill evry other day. It's a brilliant way of starting to run, and if I can do it........
    I've just finished week 9 and can run for 30 mins, and I started where I thought I was going to die after 30 secs
  • Rochelle_Burroughs
    Rochelle_Burroughs Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks guys and girls so helpful! I am making my own lunch tonight for work tomorrow instead of the sandwich shop and I am going to take the dogs out for a bit longer! Tomorrow I am going to set the alarm 15 minutes early and get on the treadmill!
    It's a start!
    Thanks all xx