My baby is better than your baby!



  • GorgeouslyGRN
    You aren't being over dramatic about this at all. A person can only take so much before it gets to them-that's only natural for someone who cares about their kids. What you could do to try to help you deal with people like that is try to look at it like why they feel the need to impress you so much. Maybe you are an amazing mother or were great at everything? or always got the guys or were good at school? or Maybe she has someone at home always putting her down? What ever the reason she feels threatened by you and you should take that as the compliment of you and how great your son is. Also you should probably talk to her about how this is making you feel and if either she blows you off or it continues then maybe you need to cut your ties. I have run into this before myself and I try not to let it bother me, but it sometimes does and I have to address it immediately for my kids and myself. This not only helps to avoid tention and unnecissary stress, but it helps to set a geed example for my kids. I hope this helps and I wish you good luck hun =)
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    Thanks everyone so much for your replies :) I feel a lot better about the whole situation. I have been trying to avoid her but she is my neighbor so its tough. and its also because she is my neighbor that I have to play nice to avoid unnecessary drama and tension. My little boy is amazing. The doctors told us he was going to be born with downs syndrome so Im very thankful he was born the way he was. I am incredibaly attached to this baby and Im very over protective of him.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Lol mama drama.
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 653 Member
    smash her in the face with an ashtray and ask if her kid can do that yet?

    edit: ps. well done Deven :o)
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    sorry, but all three of my babies are better

    Well done to your son x
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I would drop Sarah from my life. She sounds immature. This story could make it on the script of Teen Mom....
  • StarIsMoving
    Sarah sounds incredibly insecure, and I would just keep my distance if I could. People like that aren't worth the effort or heartache they can cause.

    This. She's obviously causing you distress and not worth your time.

    This ^^ It sucks to admit. When you have been tight with someone who can't see outside of their own bubble, it is hard. Reality though, things can change people. Having a baby obviously changed her if she was different beforehand. What I can say, is I have 2 disabled kids out of my 3.... and "I" give them a TON of praise for every accomplishment and WOW have they accomplished a TON with that in their corner. If Sarah isn't seeing anything but her kid, that's cool...but your situation sometimes it is nice to find some people that will help you also be a cheerleader. Move on. You need to show this person nothing, or gain any acceptance... she won't notice with her head shoved up her own *kitten* so far anyway ;)