Weight Watcher

shamm08 Posts: 109
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
All of you that are on it or have been on it does it work? I need someone to help show me what to eat, I do better when I have something to go by. Like a menu to follow, I just fell lost trying to figure it out myself.


  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    I started following the diet 6/15/09. As of the first of the year I switched to calorie counting via this site to give it a shot. As for me, I lost about 55 lbs in the 6 months. So, yes... it worked. Exercise was a contributing factor to the loss too, but diet definitely works!
  • I'm not sure exactly what foods to eat everyday, I'm just very aware of what's on the nutrition facts. and if they don't have a nutrition label i look it up online. add me as a friend and check out my food diary. that will give you some ideas of what to eat
  • Brenna
    Brenna Posts: 126 Member
    WW has a deal right now for 3 mos for around $50 bucks. I really recommend buying a book or joining online to learn the tricks of the trade. I no longer do WW, but everything that I learned during those few months of my life, I have applied to my eating habbits today. I recommend it to anyone. Its a diet that is made around choices (I know, I'm giving into their marketing gimmick!), and its true. You can live your life and make sacrifices but not entirely stay away from foods you love. It really fit my lifestyle.

    You can find tools online that explain the whole point system and their are WW calculators all over. There are too many resources to name. So, good luck!!
  • pinkhockymom
    pinkhockymom Posts: 86 Member
    I have done Weight Watchers a couple of times and it does work. The meetings are a great place for support and new ideas. The only issue I had was the cost. It really adds up! I have done it enough that I know what I need to be doing and can carry it accross to mfp. This web site is very much like the e-tools of weight watchers. It tracks everything for you!
    Good luck on your journey! If you need support and friends, this is a great place to get it!
  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
    Hello everyone! I am a new member, just browsing the message boards. I have been on WW before and it is a great program. like another member mentioned, the cost does add up and I found it a little too difficult to afford. It's not ridiculous, but in this economy I think a lot of people don't even have the extra 12 bucks or so to spend every week. that's why I was so happy to find this site. it is similar to WW and it's free! but if you can manage it, the deal online is great. one of the things from weight watchers that I am sticking with is the "guidelines for healthy living". It just gives you guidelines on how many fruits/veggies, dairy,water, vitamins and fat to consume daily. Good luck!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    I didn't pay when I did WW. I just new how it worked and followed it. Otherwise, like some have said, it can get very expensive! WW is more a lifestyle change than a diet. I apply what I've learned to my everyday eatting habits and that is what is most important.
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