Freshman 15...trying to get it before it gets me!

Hello there!
I am a freshman in college and am just now completing my third month. It's a blast! Unfortunately, the scale thinks otherwise. Since starting school, I've gone up about 6 pounds....and just broke out of the healthy BMI range, which is a torrential embarrassment for me. So now I'm trying to regain control of my eating and exercise as the dramatic change in environment has really altered my previously pretty healthy routines. My first goal is to lose those initial 6 pounds and get back into a healthy BMI range. After that my goal is to lose an additional 15 pounds. I think then I'll be at a weight and lifestyle that is very comfortable and healthy. Any other college students out there? I'd love a community of a few people to keep each other accountable!

Here are my goals for this week: record EVERYTHING I eat, even if it's embarrassing. Do the 30 day shred program every day, even if it's hard to fit into my schedule.


  • TinkerbelleJ
    TinkerbelleJ Posts: 33 Member

    I am not a freshman but in college :P

    My first goal is to burn off 14 lbs before my birthday in December! I just ordered a pedometer and I always walk to school so I am exited to see what will happen :)

    After these 14 lbs are gone I plan on getting rid of about 22 - 33 lbs more and be in a super healthy BMI :)

    I am going to add you as a friend if you don't mind :)
  • emayfield916
    i'm in college as well and definitely struggling with the weight gain! junk food is so much cheaper :P good luck with your goal! mine is to lose the 10 lbs i've gained and then hopefully 15-20 more after that! we can do this :)
  • afoz1990
    afoz1990 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey!! I'm a junior in college and it's a struggle to be healthy on campus but you know what, it's doable!! I would love to keep eachother accountable.

    Add me!!
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    I totally get what you mean! I am a freshman in college also. I have been determined to lose 15 pounds (not gain) and get toned during my freshmen year. I lost 30 pounds 2 years ago, but gained 10 pounds back. Now I have lost 8 pounds of those pounds again but I still have a lot of toning to! I am on day 10 of level 1 of the 30 day shred.
    SW (2 years ago)- 156
    CW- 126
    GW- 118
  • cholex9
    How is everyone doing?
    I didn't do so well last week, but I'm not giving up! I think doing the 30 day shred every day is a little unfeasible, considering I have a small dorm room and a roommate! So my new goal is to work out at least 4 days a week and log my food everyday.
  • BiancaW18
    BiancaW18 Posts: 26 Member
    I am having th same issue! In college, eating out and buying cheap junk food is always so much easier than the alternative!
    I will add you && we can keep each other motivated :)
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Hopefully you have a college campus large enough to walk around, with a gym or two as well.

    Walk everywhere.
    Abuse the gym.
    DEFINITELY set a calorie target and hit it every day by recording everything you put in your mouth (booze too!)
    Most importantly don't get upset or depressed - you can do this, just stay steady and disciplined and you will succeed.
  • thescrumisfun
    Hey there! I was actually able to lose the freshman 15 because I joined rugby, but now to keep losing, that is a challenge! Especially since it is our off season. Add me if you like. I found splitting my meal plan between campus dining and groceries has helped a lot. It's all about portion control. I have been a little off track lately (which is sometimes good...logging can make me a bit overzealous sometimes) but I'm ready to cinch it up again for off-season workouts. Good luck!