What changes have you made? part 2

I posted a thread asking people what changes they have made that created the most success for them. I adopted some of what related to me and I just wanted to thank everyone for sharing. Your contribution allowed me to look at what I have been doing that I knew was stalling my progress. I was in denial because I didn't want to admit that those changes would have made a difference. So I'm going to share what new changes I have made that have made a difference:

1-Stopped drinking alcohol, this has had results I wasn't prepared to see. I have more motivation, I eat less overall, I sleep better and my mood is awesome it was a big one for me. I did it initially thinking it was a way to cut out some of the calories I was consuming. I highly suggest making this a goal for at least a short time.

2-Get moving anything is better than nothing. I told myself that if I coudn't do a whole DVD of insanity I wasn't going to do anything because what's the point. Lame! I started just lifting weights, doing sit ups, push ups and jumping jacks in my living room. I continued (with my new motivation) to run. It's contagious. I have to keep moving.

3-Focus on health instead of the scale. The scale is a way to measure progress but it's not the holy grail of weight loss measurements. I use to worship it's readout. EVERYDAY! Now I step on it occasionally just out of curiousity. When I see what it says I say to myself, "huh, that's interesting," and move on. It's been so liberating. I feel like I can stick to what will work for me in the long run knowing that I am gaining victories I don't see on the scale.

4-Count calories in and calories out. This is the most basic one, but I feel like I was making it more complicated. I have read a lot. I have learned a lot. What I have learned is being healthy is a choice for a lifetime. If you want to lose weight consume less calories than you burn. Simple. If I want to live a healthy lifestyle those calories come from healthy foods. Why did I make it more complicated than that? I'm not sure.

Please share any changes you have made. I gained so much from the last post (as I'm sure others did). You are all so awesome!
