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  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i have 3 kids, and i started all of them on solids when i thought they were ready. one of them started at 3 1/2 months (she was SO ready), and the other 2 at between 4-5 months.
    you're the mum- go with your gut and what you think your kid needs. it's usually right. and if they're not ready, they will just spit it out and you try again in a little while. no dramas!
  • neciejones
    I waited with my daughter until she was 6 months. I assure you what you are giving her is what is best! I have never heard of a doctor saying that. Strange.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I started weaning both of mine about a week before they were 6 months old. They started on things like baby rice, and mashed up banana. My 1st was really bad at eating, just not interested, but my 2nd was amazing, she'd eat anything! I never gave either of them jarred baby food, I made all my own purées and things.

    I do know some people who weaned earlier though. I think you should just do what feels right. I know sometimes people mistake a growth spurt for needing to be weaned.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    My babies are certainly not babies anymore, at 21 and 17, but things sure have changed about breasfeeding since then. My oldest I nursed until 4 months, and started him on rice cereals at 5 months. My 17 yr old, I couldn't nurse her, she wouldn't latch properly. Thusly, she was on the bottle at 3 wks. I also had a different, older doctor for her, and she recommended cereals at 2 months, along with her formula. What I find strange, is that my youngest is definitely healthier than my other child. He had earaches, throat infections, you name it, growing up. Even as an adult, he is 10 times more likely to get the flu than my youngest. She is hardly ever sick. I don't know if they way they were fed as infants has anything to do with it, but it does make me think sometimes.
    I think all babies are different, and what you choose for your baby is the right decision for you. I do think breastfeeding is a wonderful experience, it's moments that you share that noone else gets to have. Trust your instinct. Your baby will let you know when they are ready for the next stage.
    Congrats and good luck!
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    First, congrats on nursing!! I started a little cereal at 4 months, but pretty much exclusively breastfed until my son was about 7 months. Then I only added purees with cereal twice a day usually. My son didn't really have much interest in foods, so we happy and healthy nursing. My supply tanked and he was gaining too slowly at around 10 months, so I had to add in more high cal/fat foods for him. I still breastfed past a year with both of my kids. My daughter started solids sooner and was very interested in table foods earlier on.

    Do what is right for you and baby. As long as you are both healthy and happy, add solids as you both think it's time. Baby will let you know.
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    All four of my kids were breast milk only until at least 6 months. Then they really didnt eat 'food' until 12 months. They were all perfectly satisfied with breast milk and are perfectly.healthy kids. Breast milk is total nutritikn and all your baby really needs.until the age of one.