Significant others??



  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    For me it is a lot easier, since I do not have the feeling to get sabotaged at home anymore!
    My husband does not workout more than absolutly necessary for his spine pain and diet is actually for him to cut out sodas for a week or two, if at all.

    So I was very happy the other day when he came back from the supermarket and said: Honey, I got you something!
    My first thought: Oh great chocolate or other candy he knows I like but rarely buy because I freak out on them.
    Oh by the by he bought Mango for me :smile:

    And he now asks more often if this or that is fitting into my calorie goal for the day!
    Wish he would work out a little more too and try a little more healthy eating, but I am his wife not his nanny or mother, so we gotta live with what we got at the moment!
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    My boyfriend was a football player and still lifts weights when he has time. He's athletic as all get-out and when he started football last year, he missed the first five months and still kicked everyone's butt on training days he was able to show up to. He can (and did) eat fast food every night for months and still look very toned.

    I am the type of girl who gains weight by looking at a piece of cake, or even watching someone else eat cake. And I don't lose weight easily, either. I have a stubborn tummy, to the point I could eat as healthy as I wanted and in my calorie range...and it just laughs at me. I have to work hard to lose my weight.

    Anyways, he gets frustrated with my weight loss because of the "you're absolutely perfect, I wouldn't have asked you to be my girlfriend if I didn't love you exactly how you are" stuff. And he likes bigger girls. So we often go back and forth about exercise and diet, as he thinks it's stupid that I want to lose weight while I am very determined to lose it and get back on track with my health. He does support me and often congratulates me, but he also tries to get me to eat fast food often and drink tons of soda at times. I've told him that I'm not giving up, and it was for me (not him) and he respects it 9/10. :smile:

    (Sorry it was so long...)
  • mrshoneydew
    I try to motivate my husband but I haven't had much luck yet. Before we met, he was in the pinnacle of good shape (as he puts it) and trained to be and ultimate fighter, but gained weight after blowing out his knee. What worries me about him is he was chubby when we met and I am totally cool with that because I love cuddly men, but when we met he would still walk around moderately and go out and do things with me which is all I ask for, he doesn't do this anymore. For the last few years his activity is sitting at his computer all day and occasionally getting up to use the restroom. Nothing else. It's very difficult to get him to leave the house even to go across the street and he says that his knee hurts so bad that it hurts to do anything so now he walks with a cane. I tried to help. I bought him a bike last year because he said that it might help him, but it sits in our living room, unused, collecting coats and now has a flat tire. I understand that it hurts him but I feel that if he increased his daily activity...even a little...he wouldn't feel as crappy. His consumption of several cans of Mountain Dew a day also really concerns me. I cook healthy meals, but I feel it's not enough. I love him and I don't want to watch his health deteriorate like this in his early 30's.

    As far as how he feels about his weight loss, he supports me but I don't think he completely understands why it's so important to me. My hip bones and ribs are becoming more noticeable and while he says he loves me at any size, he really prefers me when I'm chubbier. But that doesn't make me happy because I don't feel healthy when I weigh more and he wants me to be happy, so that's that.
  • thathockeychick23
    My boyfriend is very supportive of me and my exercise. He loves it. His fitness is on a whole other level than mine. He's in the Army and is also a Muay Thai boxer.