Help---need some encouragement over a hump

hferriss Posts: 9
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone,
I have been hanging in the background reading posts, and just starting to get into posting myself. But today, I am in such a frustrated place. I love this website and I have been sticking to it religiously for the past 2 weeks. Now, I know there are ups and downs, and I know I shouldn't trust the scale and I know my clothes are fitting better, but it is just so darn frustrating when my husband and I get home from the gym and weigh ourselves where he has lost 4 pounds in the last week and I went UP a pound. Today is one of those days that I just want to go buy a box of Whoppers because really, what difference will it make?? This time around, I won't do that, but you all know what I am talking about and I just need a push. I will admit I fell back yesterday by having popcorn at the movies with my kids, but when I made that choice, I also promised myself I would go to the gym later and burn at least 400 calories which I did do later last night and then back to the gym this morning. So, I guess I am just looking for some encouragement.


  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Hang in there! It seems to me that men have an easier time losing weight than women do--something to do with how our bodies are made--we naturally have a higher fat content or something.:grumble:

    Anyway--you say your clothes are fitting better--that's GREAT!:happy:

    You will probably hear that muscle weighs more than fat--not true--a pound is a pound!
    What IS true, however, is that a pound of muscle is SMALLER than a pound of fat so be sure to take your measurements!:smile:

    I find that, even when the scale doesn't go down, my measurements do!:happy:

    So, keep at it and don't give up!:flowerforyou:
  • myhoney
    myhoney Posts: 41
    i think all guys lose more and faster than women :grumble: my man is dropping pounds like mad and im not, just the way it goes sometimes. just be true to yourself and keep doing the work the weight WILL come off! :wink:
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    i have found as a women i use measurements more then i rely on what the scale says - and i try not to think about how the scale is going down for my dh and not for me. Focus on your clothes fitting better and your self are you feeling better more energetic etc. the scale will move eventually
  • Hi! I am almost shocked reading this because I am going through the EXACT same thing! Almost to the word! This is the beginning of week 3 for me and my Husband. It seems to come so easy for him while I am working my *kitten* off. Everyone says that it looks like I am losing weight but the scale has hardly changed. And to make things even harder - I am getting my peroid and the scale has gone up. So this morning I was like - Frig this, I'm eating. i ate 2 snack cakes and now feel pretty bad about it. I'll make you a deal - I stick to it for another week and really put all I have into it (Regardless of what the scale says), if you will...
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    men loose quicker than woman, I would not weigh myself but once a week (weight fluxuates) early morning, same time each week. Also movie popcorn is the ultimate worst thing to choose, even a candy bar would have been better, unless you got it plain, check out the internet next time, before you go to the movies, have your child order anything but the good smelling popcorn. If Im going to the movies I pack some good treats in my purse, also saves money that way.
  • You're ON. Definitely. I have been such a yoyo dieter and really want to stick to it this time. I am 40 years old now and in early menopause, so it seems so much harder than it used to be. So, throw out the rest of the cakes you have in the house, get out for a walk and get back on track and I promise not to buy any Whoppers today at the store. Lets see what tomorrow brings.:tongue:

    Thank you everyone for your encouragement. It really sucks that men have it so easy!!
  • Mommabee
    Mommabee Posts: 103
    I am right there with you only my scale jumped 3 pounds this week!!!! :mad: And I haven't done one thing differently than I have any other week! I was soooooo frustrated I wanted to go out and just eat EVERYTHING!:explode: But I didn't, I just let myself have a grilled cheese with TWO different cheeses and SWEET pickles :grumble: So there!!!
    Anyhow, it's Monday and I am back at it. I WILL loose those stupid 3 pounds again and more! It really does put a damper on things for a while though. I was actually excited to get out of bed and weigh in yesterday....Oh well...
    Maybe you should try weighing in first thing in the morning, before you do anything (other than go to the bathroom). I have heard that that time gives you the truest weight of the day. That is when I do my weigh ins and up until yesterday it seemed to work.
    Hang in there, we WILL do this! You are doing everything right, just keep up the good work and one of these days we will be able to throw those stupid scales right out the window! (Of course we will have to go out and buy a new set :wink: sigh...)
  • Deal!
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