WANTED:Motivation Buddies

hey! I'm a 21 and am struggling to keep motivated to lose weight for an already paid vacation in March (Was soo mad at myself for eating halloween candy I felt like canceling which would be so stupid)...we could help motivate eachother? Maybe send msgs daily with motivating quotes, complain about our problems, discuss good tips to keeping the right mindset. I could giving out my email etc? I just think sometimes it helps to know other people are struggling or succeeding too!


  • rjacob1214
    rjacob1214 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm yours!
  • LadyRhodes01
    LadyRhodes01 Posts: 88 Member
    Definetly! Add me!
  • TinkerbelleJ
    TinkerbelleJ Posts: 33 Member
    I am up for that.

    My weakness: cheese :/
  • I am 21 too! and I need to get in shape for my wedding anniversary in May, hubby and I are planning a "Beach" vacation yikes!! :) Add me!
  • Id be up for a motivation buddy! Im 19 and working towards my weightloss goals and sometimes I fall and sometimes I cheat but it's all about staying motivated and keeping on towards your goal. Dont give up from one slip up, get back up and moving towards your goals.
    Id def be up for some motivation buddies :)) Feel free to add me :)
  • I"m def down to be a motivation buddy!! I just getting started on my journey but I have so amazing quotes that keep me going. Feel free to add me guys :)
  • I'll join! I need all the motivation I can get! I've got to shed the pounds so that I can get the job that I want.. (And to stay healthy)

    I'm pretty new to the site... could someone show me how to add a buddie?
  • WOV_mom
    WOV_mom Posts: 11
    Hi, my name is Anna, don't worry, we have all cheated here and there but KEEP going, the winners finish the race till the end and don't quit.. Quiting never gonna did anyone any good. It's good that you acknowledge and cared enough to feel bad some of us didn't before we got serious so, just keep going, just keep going, as Dorie from NEMO would say, eventually you will reach your goal!! You still have time and time to work it off :)
  • dadu1285
    dadu1285 Posts: 1 Member
    I could use a motivation buddy
  • caseythelab
    caseythelab Posts: 25 Member
    The d**#n Halloween candy! My husband has had it in the house for weeks and I resisted, until today! I had such a great weekend of yoga and was able to run 5 miles (I'm recovering from a foot injury, so that's a long run for me.) I'm re-joining myfitnesspal and adding a couple of groups - I need the support (and accountability.) Feel free to add me as a buddy (I don't know how to do it.)
  • Def need someone like that it would be great :)) Add me!!!
  • TabbyLynne78
    TabbyLynne78 Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in! My hubby comes home from deployment in March so we're on the same time crunch! :)
  • i actually just opened my account... but i guess i have the same prob as you.... need motivation,, anyone?
  • Just literally joined today and I KNOW I'll need a motivation buddy. Halloween + school stress = mucho problems. Please feel free to help me/if anyone wouldn't mind helping this newbie understand the site :P
  • I really need motivation! I seem to do so good for a week or so and then eat horribly.
  • I just joined yesterday....Motivation always helps! Add me too :)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I really like motivating friends. But no pity party friends. I know that sounds mean but I promise I'm really not a mean person. But I have a huge goal (to lose 180 lbs) and I only have room for positivity. I have been on here for over 3 months and I've realized that some of the pity party people were dragging me down. It's hard enough to stay motivated as it is, so for me it's essential to keep my head up. Kinda like if I were a recovering drug addict I would steer clear of friends that are junkies because its too easy to fall back into old patterns. I'm 1/4th of the way to my goal and I'm working my butt off. Anyone who is committed and dedicated to this process can feel free to add me as a friend.
  • dee_bee
    dee_bee Posts: 36
    I'm on daily and do my best to keep everyone motivated, anyone can add me if you like. I'm working towards a 48.6kg - 58.6kg / 107 - 129lb weight loss, currently 11.1kg / 24lb down. When my body decides it is happy, that will be my maintenance weight. I'm hoping it will be in the region of 85-95kg / 187 - 209lb. I'm 176cm / 5'7.
  • Hi, My name is Lori, I can be your notation buddy if you like
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Add me as a friend, I'd love to help. That is my motivation too!

    I have also just started a FB accountability group for motivation, message me if that interests you too.

    Halloween is the beginning of the "Food Season".... Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. temptations are Everywhere!
    Thankfully we have our MFPals to help us!!!!

    You have to walk a football field length to work off one MnM - that is my motivation when I look at the candy and picture the walk!!!!
    (says the girl that had a late night microwave popcorn night) we are far from perfect! One step at a time and you'll look Awesome on your vacation!