I just don't understand!

karensphotography Posts: 16
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Iv been in my diet Now for two weeks. The first week I lost 5 pounds. Iv been under my calarie limit and working out everyday!! I work out to the biggest loser last chance workout video. It's about 30 to 45 minutes a day. Well iv actually gained two pounds this week. I just don't understand. Has anyone else gone through this? It's so discouraging. Iv been trying so hard!! Any suggestions??


  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much. It could be a number of reason for the gain. Water retention is probably the biggest culprit or built up lactic acid in your muscles from the workout. Just keep doing what you're doing and you will see results. Just remember that losing weight is like a marathon not the 100 yard dash. You didn't put the weight on in one day, it's not going to come off in one day either! Best of luck to you!
  • Your calorie count may be too low. You body will go into shut down mode if you are starving it of fuel. Are you eating smaller amounts 5-6 times a day? Try to have protein and good carbs with every meal you eat. I finally lost the weight when I bumped my calories up from 1200 to 1500.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    the gain is most likely muscle weight, a good thing. Dont get hung up on the weight, measure your self and watch the inches disappear.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Iv been in my diet Now for two weeks. The first week I lost 5 pounds. Iv been under my calarie limit and working out everyday!! I work out to the biggest loser last chance workout video. It's about 30 to 45 minutes a day. Well iv actually gained two pounds this week. I just don't understand. Has anyone else gone through this? It's so discouraging. Iv been trying so hard!! Any suggestions??
    It probably not muscle weight gained. That would be almost impossible. Then again, you probably didn't lose 5 pounds of fat in the first week either. Water weight, sodium, time of day, what you ate yesterday... they all come into play when talking about a daily weight. If you lost 3 total pounds in 2 weeks, that's great. 1.5 pounds a week is a nice healthy weight loss range to be in. Just think, over the course of a year you will lose close to 80 pounds doing it that way. Don't be discouraged by it at all, stick to what you are doing for a while and let things balance out.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    1 - the 5lbs you lost your first week were most likely water retention caused by a high-sodium diet, stress, processed foods, etc. Slower weight loss is normal. If you kept losing weight rapidly after three weeks, I'd be worried!

    2 - Working out & paying attention to your nutritional needs are both great tools to losing weight! Ask yourself....
    Have I programmed my lifestyle correctly (aka: desk job vs. retail)?
    Am I faithfully recording my foods? Every last piece of popcorn, every nibble off a friend's plate?
    Am I faithfully recording my exercise? And am I diligent in my exercise, or just slacking off?
    *Am I eating my exercise calories?

    *Eating your exercise calories is SO important to keeping your body healthy and preventing "starvation mode." There are dozens of great posts, most of which have been turned into "stickies." If you haven't read these already, I'd highly recommend it!

    3 - Muscle weighs more than fat. If your weight is going up while your measurements are going down, then you're doing just fine!

    4 - Are you weighing yourself at the same time each day and under the same conditions? I know I tend to weigh 2-3lbs less on weekends because I get more sleep. Everyone weighs less in the morning than they do in the evening. Shoot for the same circumstances every day to get a more accurate reading. Some of us (myself included) have 1 official weigh-in that we record online each week; that way, weighing ourselves every day becomes a check-in, rather than something set in stone.

    Does this help?
  • Mommabee
    Mommabee Posts: 103
    It probably not muscle weight gained. That would be almost impossible. Then again, you probably didn't lose 5 pounds of fat in the first week either. Water weight, sodium, time of day, what you ate yesterday... they all come into play when talking about a daily weight. If you lost 3 total pounds in 2 weeks, that's great. 1.5 pounds a week is a nice healthy weight loss range to be in. Just think, over the course of a year you will lose close to 80 pounds doing it that way. Don't be discouraged by it at all, stick to what you are doing for a while and let things balance out.

    Listen to Chgudnitz he's exactly right! I gained three pounds this week while still doing the same things I have done over the last 3 months! It's water again, I know, and even though it is discouraging, you have to keep going. 1.5 pounds a week is an amazing amount to lose, just go pick up a 1.5 pound package of hamburger at the store! That is how much LESS you have on your body! Amazing!
    Remember, slow and steady wins the race. We are changing our lifestyle, NOT just dieting!
    PS. Thanks Chgudnitz, I needed to hear what you had to say too!
  • ddss37
    ddss37 Posts: 36 Member
    Another point I would like to mention -

    Please make sure to have other measurements than just weight. There will be weeks that I do not lose an ounce - but, I drop inches. Or, I lose only 1 pound - but, I finally tackle that step program and enjoy it.

    Make a list of critical success measurements like: weight, inches lost (lots of places to measure like bust, waist, hips, thighs, calves, abdomen, above bust, arms, forearms, etc.), body fat, energy level, amount of sleep, things accomplished during the day, personal goals completed,...

    So much to think about - it is your life - your lifestyle change.

    If you need a spreadsheet with some of these measurements - just let me know. I can email you mine.

  • Trust me I can identify with that. The first week I started I worked my but off I went to the gym and worked out 45 to 1 hour every day. I ate under 1900 calories a day. Even though it gave me more calories to eat I didnt eat them. I was so upset and in denial. Second week the same thing. What is going on here I work out and nothing... Something must be wrong with me.
    But it wasn't until I rested.
    I got strep throat and rested all day for 2 days. I have lost about 9 lbs so far. You may think maybe cause I was sick I wasnt eating. But I was I was eating about 1800 calories a day. I am guessing getting enough rest plays a huge part in all of this. I have 3 children so I just find my self running around. I need to schedule at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep everyday. I read also taking naps is also good for you. It gives your body time to process everything you have done.(but who has time for naps).
    One thing I can tell you NEVER give up. I am not sure how much you need to lose, but try changing up your workout. Also trying weighing yourself in the morning dont drink anything dont eat anything just weigh your self. When you wake up (after of course you go to the restroom). This is your true weight.
    Good Luck and I hope you find my info helpful.
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    Oh how I miss rest, I have a newborn at home. Don't get discouraged!!!!! I weighed in today and did not lose or gain but I decided to measure myself and I lost several inches at all three areas. Keep up the GREAT work!!!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    1 - the 5lbs you lost your first week were most likely water retention caused by a high-sodium diet, stress, processed foods, etc. Slower weight loss is normal. If you kept losing weight rapidly after three weeks, I'd be worried!

    I completely agree. It is unlikely the 5lbs was all fat ... sorry. On the positive side though this means you probably did make progress in your second week. Expect week to week fluctuations of up to 5lbs. As long as you are seeing a general downwards trend (I look at it monthly) you know you are on the right track.

    Also, be careful not to overdo it working out. For weight training your muscles will need a recovery period between workouts. Also, be sure you are eating enough and that you are drinking enough water.

    All that being said congrats in making such a positive life change. You can do this!
  • Thanks everyone!!! I took everyones advice and did not work out yesterday. (I felt like I was cheating myself lol) but..... I weighed myself and I lost weight!!! I was so excited and motivated again!! Mybe il start working out every other day instead of every day. At least till my body gets use to it. Thanks!!!!!!!!
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