Feeling stuck -- but ready to make a change!

theresaann12 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I'm 23 years old and perpetually a little chubby-- I feel like whether I'm exercising 6 times a week or not at all, I am always stuck at the same weight (slightly overweight, that is!).

I am hoping that tracking my eating and exercise helps me make a noticable change. I don't have much to lose (15 pounds would be great) but I get so frustrated because the scale refuses to budge! I'm hoping to get out of my lazy winter hibernation and get moving. I've decided once I lose 10 pounds I will treat myself to my first-ever massage. If that's not motivation, I'm not sure what is!

With Girl Scout cookie season upon us, I hope that I can resist the temptation of my very sweet tooth (teeth!) and stick to healthy eating and an exercise routine!

Let me know if you have any tips for staying strong, avoiding sweets, and persevering through a scale that won't move!!!


  • fbref9
    fbref9 Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I have been on since the start of the new year, and I will say that the site has been great. My advice is to use the food tracker religiously and make sure you eat your day's worth of calories. One thing that has had a huge impact so far is making sure that I drink all of my water. I am sure you will get plenty of advise from others, but this is my quick 2-cents.

    Good luck!
  • BigdaddyJ
    BigdaddyJ Posts: 357
    I have been on the same boat for years, all I can say is do it for yourself, and find a way to have fun doing it....personnaly, I do power90 at home (not so fun^^) and I also joined a Taekwondoe class, I go 3 times a week and it's great! It's super fun and i get to meet new people, there's a progression wich is encouraging and according to fitnesspal I burn 900+ calories everytime!!! I joined fitnesspal only this week-end but started this routine 2 weeks ago and it works great for me since i've reache my goal of 3 lbs a week easy!!

    Also, dont weight yourself more than once a week if you can, you'll see bigger results and more motivating, I also take pictures everyweek to compare my progress. you'll also see more progression by mesuring your waist than on the scale since your muscle mass will get heavier as you workout.

    Good luck!!
  • 23 and also chubby over here :-)

    I also have some mini-goals that I'll treat myself to once I drop some poundage. Mainly I think the reward will be the expansion of my wardrobe since I look hideous in 1/4 of my current clothes haha. But ooh la la I can't wait for this summer! We can do it. Feel free to friend me, I don't get on here as often as I should but I am excellent at keeping in touch if it's via email or something.

    Good luck :-)
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