Power90 & MPF, a winning team for me!!

BigdaddyJ Posts: 357
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself

I'm a 32 year old man 60lbs overweight, this year I decided to do something about it....

After trying all kinds of things I finaly found what works for me!

I wanted to do P90X after hearing so much about it but after reading up on it I clearly saw that it wasn't for me....so I decided do Power90 wich is way more lowkey that P90X and aimed more on weight loss than P90X.

Power90 is an "athomeinyourlivingroom" training DVD, it lasts about 40 mins and includes cardio and sculpt. It works good for me cuz it's easy to fit into my routine (I work shift work), it comes with a diet plan and last 3 months. I saw amazing results on my b4 and after pictures after just 1 week of doing it!!

I also startes Taekwondo 3 times a week, the idea is to have somthing to keep me active after i've finished my 3 months bootcamp. It's lots of fun, chalenging and I make new friends!! It makes it very easy to workout!!

MPF is a great tool to help me keep track of my calories, carbs and proteines! After just 3 days on here, I already got my wife, 2 sisters a 1 friend hooked on it! I even got the I-Phone app wich makes it way easy to track my food and exercise even when I'm at work!

Good luck to all of you at reaching your goals wichever they might be!

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