new old starter

Yolashima Posts: 11
edited January 2 in Introduce Yourself
Hi There!

I have finally decided to get my life back on track. It's not easy as being a mom, MBA student and full time employee I find some spare time late evenings. Of course that's the excuse I'm using.. I must admit it's not easy but I know I have to change my life, be more energized and I can achieve that only by exercising (and reasonable diet) - I'm saying reasonable as I know how any "this is not allowed" workes for me ..
I've been exercising in July, August and lost 5kg with my perfect workout. Unfortunately got some virus with constant fever to needed to drop it. Then of course exams came and I was excausted. Now when everything is closed and new studying year in front of me is the time for change. I hope this time I will do it. Hope you can assist and motivate during this time (btw. I'm very competitive person so if anyone is as well, please get in touch - this works the best for me).

Good luck everyone!
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