100 Day Challenge....Join me if you dare!

I need to do something to stay on track. I quit logging my food for a week or so and gained 5 lbs! Ouch. My toughest time of the year with weight is from September - December. I watch a lot of football and baseball and sit in front of the TV and snack too much. Thanksgiving thru New Years also offers lots of occasions to eat and drink bad and that undermines my efforts to dropping or even maintaining my weight during that time of the year.

So instead of putting on weight this time of year and making the same New Year's resolutions as I have done year in and year out (I seriously have made a resolution to lose weight every year for the past 25 years!), I am stepping up and committing to LOSING WEIGHT during this time of the year. I started the year at 280lbs and this morning I weighed 273lbs. I am not going to beat myself up for not being at a lower weight because I am down 7lbs for the year so it could be worse, right? I still have 2 months in the year to drop more weight and I plan on doing just that with the help of MFP and some friends. That's where you come in.

I'm looking for 10-20 of you to join me but please only do so if you truly think and plan to stick it out. I need you to hold me accountable and kick me in the *kitten* when i need it and I will do the same for you.

Here is my 100 day plan. (You can adjust your personal goals and plan accordingly.)

* I will log all 100 days. (Even if that means I have to finish logging the next morning during the holidays.)

* I will finish at least 25 lifting workouts.

* I will finish at least 45 cardio workouts.

* I will do at least 25 "other" activities that will help me burn calories. (such as mowing, hiking, mowing the lawn....)

* I will give myself one day off each week to rest.

* I will weigh myself every Tuesday and Saturday. (even if I had a bad eating day the day before)

* I will focus on getting at least 7 hours of sleep when possible. (I am best when I get 8 hours.)

* I will plan my meals before the day starts.

* I will NOT allow myself to get discouraged if I have a bad day or if I hit a plateau. (my health will continue to improve if I am eating right and exercising even if the scale tells me I didn't !)

* My GOAL is to lose 28lbs in the 100 days!!! I plan on reaching my goal and starting off 2013 the lightest and healthiest I have been in 25 years!!!

I plan on posting almost daily with a brief update like: Got a great cardio workout in on the StairMaster. Workout 1 of 45. Starting weight for 100 day challenge is 273 lbs.

So, who will join me? Remember that 100 days from now you will either be glad you did or you will wish you did.